0. DOCID:2307 1891 "Inhalations in the Treatment of Phthisis" 0.0218418928433559
1. DOCID:2513 1892 "Popular Erpors about Wild Animals" 0.0166498474658183
2. DOCID:2322 1891 "Health Matters" 0.0158897882922913
3. DOCID:2044 1890 "Thinness versus Stoutness" 0.015442410307564
4. DOCID:2072 1890 "Health Matters" 0.0131708425561056
5. DOCID:2135 1890 "Health Matters" 0.010731289107263
6. DOCID:2327 1891 "Sea-Sickness" 0.00994328060185154
7. DOCID:2049 1890 "Health Matters" 0.00907007950683758
8. DOCID:2154 1890 "A New Use for the Phonograph" 0.00856005245647604
9. DOCID:2093 1890 "Health Matters" 0.00703631686883677
10. DOCID:2336 1891 "The Japanese Earthquake" 0.00698206158436905
11. DOCID:2143 1890 "Health Matters" 0.00696281281942441
12. DOCID:1939 1889 "Ethnology" 0.00685739562104125
13. DOCID:1971 1889 "Amateur Photography in the Summer of 1889" 0.0059932805842032
14. DOCID:2636 1892 "Arsenical Poisoning from Domestic Fabrics" 0.0058044978305799