0. DOCID:28930 SCORE: 0.00246438876268239
DOCNO: 15691805
QUALIFIER: genetics
AUTHOR: Somkiat Sunpaweravong S
AUTHOR: Patrapim Sunpaweravong P
AFFILIATION: Department of Surgery, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkla 90110, Thailand. susomkia@medicine.psu.ac.th
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Asian journal of surgery / Asian Surgical Association.
TITLE: Recent developments in critical genes in the molecular biology of breast cancer.
PUBDATE: 20050101
The biology of breast cancer is complex, and the increasing knowledge of its molecular biology is having a great impact on the clinical management of this serious condition. This review looks at new findings on the role of various critical genes, including BRCA1, BRCA2, HER2 and p53, in the development of breast cancer and their clinical implications.

1. DOCID:30518 SCORE: 0.00240780100512058
DOCNO: 14763130
QUALIFIER: analogs & derivatives
QUALIFIER: therapeutic use
QUALIFIER: antagonists & inhibitors
QUALIFIER: therapeutic use
QUALIFIER: drug therapy
AUTHOR: John Lyons J
AUTHOR: Emel Bayar E
AUTHOR: Gil Fine G
AUTHOR: Michael McCullar M
AUTHOR: Randee Rolens R
AUTHOR: Joseph Rubinfeld J
AUTHOR: Craig Rosenfeld C
AFFILIATION: jlyons1@ireland.com
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Current opinion in investigational drugs (London, England : 2000)
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Decitabine: development of a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor for hematological malignancies.
PUBDATE: 20031201
Decitabine (DAC) is a small molecule nucleotide analog that is incorporated into DNA and traps human DNA methyltransferases. Although initially developed as a cytotoxic agent, low-dose DAC is enjoying a revival as a specific inhibitor of hypermethylation in cancer. DAC has activity in several hematological diseases, especially myelodysplastic syndrome, chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia. Clinical and preclinical advances are presented in this review.

2. DOCID:30602 SCORE: 0.00240779942123737
DOCNO: 15649275
STATUS: In-Data-Review
AUTHOR: Mary J Feeney MJ
AFFILIATION: Los Altos, California, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology.
COUNTRY: Australia
TITLE: Fruits and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases.
PUBDATE: 20041201
SUMMARY 1. Fruits contain a variety of compounds that may slow or prevent chronic diseases through a variety of possible mechanisms. Components in fruits thought to be associated with the reduction of these conditions include soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, anti-oxidant nutrients (vitamins C, E, selenium, beta-carotene) and phytonutrients (bioactive plant compounds that impart colour, flavour and other functional properties to foods). 2. The present paper briefly reviews selected studies on the role of some fruits in lifestyle conditions such as cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and conditions that accompany ageing.

3. DOCID:31112 SCORE: 0.00223102570362584
DOCNO: 12420862
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
QUALIFIER: chemically induced
QUALIFIER: pathology
AUTHOR: S Buyukberber S
AUTHOR: B Tuncozgur B
AUTHOR: C Sivrikoz C
AUTHOR: L Elbeyli L
AFFILIATION: Gaziantep University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Oncology, Turkey.
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Journal of chemotherapy (Florence, Italy)
TITLE: Superior vena cava syndrome caused by chemotherapy-induced fibrosis.
PUBDATE: 20020801
We report a case of a 51-year old man with small cell lung cancer who developed superior vena cava syndrome due to obstruction of the superior vena cava at the junction of the brachiocephalic vein by a fibrotic band, 2 months after completing six cycles of chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposid. Superior vena cava syndrome caused by chemotherapy-induced pulmonary fibrosis should be kept in mind during follow-up.

4. DOCID:29731 SCORE: 0.00197867837568008
DOCNO: 14552834
DESCRIPTOR: Repressor Proteins
QUALIFIER: physiology
QUALIFIER: physiology
QUALIFIER: genetics
QUALIFIER: physiology
QUALIFIER: physiology
AUTHOR: Frank M Raaphorst FM
AFFILIATION: Department of Pathology, VU Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. fm.raaphorst@vumc.nl
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Trends in immunology.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Self-renewal of hematopoietic and leukemic stem cells: a central role for the Polycomb-group gene Bmi-1.
PUBDATE: 20031001
Self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells is vital for the sustained daily production of blood cells. Two recent studies have shown that the Polycomb-group gene Bmi-1 is indispensable for regulation of self-renewal by normal and leukemic stem cells. This identifies Polycomb-group genes as potential targets for therapeutic intervention in leukemia, and possibly other forms of cancer.

5. DOCID:31874 SCORE: 0.00195023377499091
DOCNO: 15938138
QUALIFIER: chemistry
QUALIFIER: chemistry
QUALIFIER: chemistry
QUALIFIER: chemistry
QUALIFIER: chemistry
AUTHOR: Franco Ferrari F
AUTHOR: Franco Delle Monache F
AUTHOR: Alírica I Suárez AI
AUTHOR: Francisco Arvelo F
AUTHOR: Reinaldo S Compagnone RS
AFFILIATION: Istituto di Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare CNR, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo F. Vito 1, Rome, Italy.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Natural product research.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: New cytotoxic isoflavone from the root bark of Brosimum utile.
PUBDATE: 20050601
A new isoflavone 5,7,4'-trihydroxy-3'-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)isoflavone (isowigtheone hydrate) (1), together with six known isoflavones 2-7 and (-)epicatechin, were isolated from the root barks of Brosimum utile. Their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic evidence. The in vitro cytotoxic activity of the new compound 1 was evaluated against cell lines MCF7 (human breast carcinoma), PC3 (human prostate carcinoma), HT29 (human colon cancer) and human dermis fibroblasts.

6. DOCID:29021 SCORE: 0.00184277155871403
DOCNO: 12914190
DESCRIPTOR: Luminescence
DESCRIPTOR: Ultrasonics
QUALIFIER: analysis
AUTHOR: Guo-yuan Li GY
AFFILIATION: School of Chemical Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, China.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu.
TITLE: [Developing a new spectroscopy analytical method--sonoluminescence]
PUBDATE: 20021201
Sonoluminescence is a weak emission of light when liquid was irradiated by ultrasound. Since the 80 s last century, several researchers began to use this luminescence to chemical analysis, medical detection and environmental monitoring. This paper gives a review on the advancement of this area, including sonoluminescence in cancer detection, as a new atomic emission spectroscopy in elements analysis and environmental monitoring.

7. DOCID:31056 SCORE: 0.00183613331116755
DOCNO: 15861512
QUALIFIER: methods
QUALIFIER: prevention & control
AUTHOR: Reinhard Bollmann R
AUTHOR: Agnes Bankfalvi A
AUTHOR: Magdolna Bollmann M
AFFILIATION: Institute of Pathology, Bonn-Duisdorf, Germany.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Croatian medical journal.
COUNTRY: Croatia
TITLE: Risk-adapted multimodal laboratory cervical screening -- application of new technologies to cervical cancer prevention.
PUBDATE: 20050601
The objective of screening for cervical cancer is to reduce the mortality and incidence of the disease. To date, there is extensive and strong evidence that this can be achieved by cytology-based screening programs, which continue to be the mainstay of cervical prevention worldwide despite their inherent methodological limitations. This article presents a review on the utility of conventional, ancillary, and experimental methods for cervical screening both as single tests and test-combinations, and describes possible future directions for enhanced screening accuracy using risk-adapted protocols.

8. DOCID:28731 SCORE: 0.00177174417676687
DOCNO: 12632830
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
QUALIFIER: drug therapy
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
QUALIFIER: chemically induced
QUALIFIER: prevention & control
AUTHOR: D Pelerin D
AUTHOR: R M Silvestre RM
AUTHOR: G Jérusalem G
AUTHOR: B Sautois B
AUTHOR: G Fillet G
AFFILIATION: Université de Liège.
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Revue médicale de Liège.
COUNTRY: Belgium
TITLE: [How I manage patients developing thromboembolic complications as a result of breast cancer treatment with tamoxifen ]
PUBDATE: 20021201
Thromboembolic complications are well known side effects of treatment with tamoxifen in patients with breast cancer. The authors review the pathophysiology and the risk factors that increase the probability to develop these complications. The most appropriate treatment is discussed.

9. DOCID:30481 SCORE: 0.00172791827513609
DOCNO: 16266579
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
AUTHOR: Ole Kronborg O
AFFILIATION: Odense Universitetshospital, Kirurgisk Afdeling A. ole.kronborg@dadlnet.dk
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Ugeskrift for laeger.
COUNTRY: Denmark
TITLE: [Future perspectives in screening for colorectal cancer]
PUBDATE: 20051001
Based on international experience, pilot studies with fecal occult blood tests and colonoscopy in those with blood in the stools are now to be performed in Scandinavia in limited geographic areas before introducing countrywide screening. The Danish State has offered to pay for feasibility studies in two counties. Provided that the results of randomised clinical trials are reproduced according to acceptability and stage of the cancer found and the organisation is feasible, it will then be possible to evaluate newer technologies as well as other methods which have not previously been evaluated in a satisfactory way.

10. DOCID:30579 SCORE: 0.00172791608842959
DOCNO: 16266579
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
AUTHOR: Ole Kronborg O
AFFILIATION: Odense Universitetshospital, Kirurgisk Afdeling A. ole.kronborg@dadlnet.dk
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Ugeskrift for laeger.
COUNTRY: Denmark
TITLE: [Future perspectives in screening for colorectal cancer]
PUBDATE: 20051001
Based on international experience, pilot studies with fecal occult blood tests and colonoscopy in those with blood in the stools are now to be performed in Scandinavia in limited geographic areas before introducing countrywide screening. The Danish State has offered to pay for feasibility studies in two counties. Provided that the results of randomised clinical trials are reproduced according to acceptability and stage of the cancer found and the organisation is feasible, it will then be possible to evaluate newer technologies as well as other methods which have not previously been evaluated in a satisfactory way.

11. DOCID:29370 SCORE: 0.00172168861385991
DOCNO: 15095684
DESCRIPTOR: Thrombophlebitis
AUTHOR: Philippe Kern P
AFFILIATION: phkern@bluewin.ch
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Revue médicale de la Suisse romande.
COUNTRY: Switzerland
TITLE: [Superficial thrombophlebitis]
PUBDATE: 20030601
Superficial thrombophlebitis is a frequent complication of varicose veins that occurs rarely on normal veins. In the latter case, it may be associated with thrombophilia, cancer or inflammatory disease. Superficial thrombophlebitis is rarely complicated by deep vein thrombosis through extension in the deep vein system. Therefore, depending of its localisation, a venous ultrasound is indicated to evaluate its extension. Treatment is based on elastic compression, non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and mobilisation. If thrombophlebitis approaches the saphenous junction with the deep vein systems or involves perforans veins anticoagulant treatment is indicated.

12. DOCID:30651 SCORE: 0.00167423362153575
DOCNO: 12619598
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
QUALIFIER: therapy
AUTHOR: Carlton Gene Brown CG
AFFILIATION: U.S. Army Nurse Corps, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA.
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Testicular cancer: an overview.
PUBDATE: 20030201
Testicular cancer (TC) strikes men between the ages of 15 and 35. If detected early, this disease can be irradicated in virtually every patient. Unfortunately, several hundred men will die from this disease each year. Research has shown that men do not know the importance of testicular self-examination, and they are not knowledgeable about TC. Nurses should be able to discuss treatment modalities, side-effect management related to those treatments, and special issues dealing with sexuality, body image perception, and infertility.

13. DOCID:30433 SCORE: 0.00164190610099903
DOCNO: 12215970
QUALIFIER: radiography
QUALIFIER: methods
QUALIFIER: methods
AUTHOR: Richard H Cohan RH
AFFILIATION: Department of Radiology, University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, MI 481109-0030, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Seminars in urologic oncology.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Detection and characterization of renal masses and staging of renal cancers: new considerations in the era of helical computed tomography.
PUBDATE: 20020801
With the introduction of helical CT and its ability to acquire images very rapidly, new problems are being encountered, which can profoundly affect the quality of CT examinations performed for evaluation of known or suspected renal masses. In this article, these problems are summarized and recommendations made for CT techniques that will maximize sensitivity and specificity in renal mass detection, accuracy in renal mass characterization, and accuracy in staging of renal cancer.

14. DOCID:30859 SCORE: 0.00163268073005577
DOCNO: 12538014
QUALIFIER: chemical synthesis
QUALIFIER: chemical synthesis
AUTHOR: Maria T Cocco MT
AUTHOR: Cenzo Congiu C
AUTHOR: Valentina Onnis V
AFFILIATION: Dipartimento di Tossicologia, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, 72, Cagliari, I-09124, Via Ospedale, Italy. tcocco@unica.it
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Synthesis and in vitro antitumoral activity of new N-phenyl-3-pyrrolecarbothioamides.
PUBDATE: 20030201
A new series of N-phenylpyrrolecarbothioamides were obtained from base catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of 3-amino-3-(alkyl or arylamino)propenethioamides. Pyrrole derivatives were evaluated for their in vitro anticancer activity toward cell lines of nine different types of human cancer. Some of newly prepared compounds demonstrated inhibitory effects on the growth of a wide range of cancer cell lines generally at 10(-6) M level and in some case at 10(-8) M concentrations.