0. DOCID:3906 SCORE: 0.00506028302038381
DOCNO: 127512
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: immunology
AUTHOR: N Onishi N
AUTHOR: K Kunisada K
AUTHOR: E Konaga E
AUTHOR: Y Kokumai Y
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Acta medica Okayama.
TITLE: Allogeneic inhibitory activity of regional lymph node cells in the mouse isografted with methylcholanthrene-induced tumor.
PUBDATE: 19750601
In mouse bearing progressive cancer a decrease was present in the allogeneic inhibitory activity of T-lymphocytes, which constitutes the core of immunological surveillance system in mammalians. For tests, methylcholanthrene-induced tumor (MC-tumor) was isografted subcutaneously on the back between scapulae of C3H mice, and the lymphocytes were prepared from the regional axillary lymph nodes removed from these mice at 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks after grafting. These lymph nodes cells were cultured together with 40-fold numbers of allogeneic JTC-11 cells derived from Ehrlich cancer cells in a culture medium containing 2.0% (v/v) PHA for 24 or 48 hours. The proliferation rate of JTC-11 cells (increased numbers) at weekly interval was considered the allogeneic inhibitory activity of lymph node cells. As a result it was demonstrated that in the early stage after tumor transplantation, i.e., in the first or second week, regional lymph node cells showed a strong allogeneic inhibitory activity, as in the case with lymph-node cells from normal mice, but at progressive stage of cancer, i.e., the third or fourth week when tumors were larger, such activity was completely lost. It seems that mice with progressive cancer showed a decrease of allogeneic inhibitory activity, i.e., a disruption of homeostasis was present.

1. DOCID:3678 SCORE: 0.0044467844454907
DOCNO: 132786
QUALIFIER: drug therapy
QUALIFIER: therapeutic use
QUALIFIER: therapeutic use
QUALIFIER: therapeutic use
AUTHOR: K Höffken K
AUTHOR: S Seeber S
AUTHOR: W R Boecker WR
AUTHOR: C G Schmidt CG
PUBTYPE: Clinical Trial
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung und klinische Onkologie. Cancer research and clinical oncology.
TITLE: [Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, and 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of metastasizing breast cancer (author's transl)]
PUBDATE: 19760601
In a prospective study eleven patients with metastasizing breast cancer were treated with 5-fluorouracil, adriamycin, and cyclophosphamide )FAC). Complete remission occurred in three patients, with two of them still in remission four and thirteen months later. Partial remission (50% decrease in tumour size for more than four weeks) was achieved in five cases, with three of them still in remission. Time for remission induction was one to three months. The mean duration of complete remissions is not yet reached after thirteen months- that of partial remissions was 6.5 months. Two patients showed stable disease for four and more than eleven months, respectively. Only in one case progressive disease was noticed. Mean survival time from the start of therapy was 7.5 months for all patients. For complete and partial responders mean survival is not yet reached after eighteen months. With one exception therapy was given on an outpatient basis. Experimental and clinical data on therapeutic synergism of adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, and 5-fluorouracil show no advantage of the three-drug combination over the combination of adriamycin and cylophosphamide alone.

2. DOCID:3783 SCORE: 0.00440072439384395
DOCNO: 1150006
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: pathology
AUTHOR: Y Hashimoto Y
AUTHOR: S Takeda S
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
TITLE: Cell kinetics of gastric carcinoma and other gastric lesions in rats by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine with or without Tween 60.
PUBDATE: 19750401
Male Wistar rats were divided into three groups for studying the chronic effect of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), in continuous dose of 50 mg/L in drinking water, or 50 mg/L MNNG and 0.4% Tween 60 in drinking water. From the 2nd to 50th week after the administration of MNNG, every 3 or 5 rats were sacrificed and autopsied after the intraperitoneal injection of 1 muCi 3-H-thymidine/g body weight at 2- or 3-week intervals. The resected stomachs were studied morphologically and autoradiographically. Six cases of experimental gastric cancer were produced that fulfilled Stewart's criteria. Autoradiographically, there was no significant different in the flash labeling index in the normal antral mucosa, in the non-pathologic antral mucosa, and in the cancerous lesion, but generation time and DNA synthesizing time of the cancerous lesion were 2 or 3 times longer than those of the glandular stomach of normal rats reported by Galjaard. They were also longer than those of the non-pathologic antral mucosa of rats treated with MNNG. These experiments results were discussed, comparing with cell kinetics of the gastrointestinal tracts in man.

3. DOCID:7376 SCORE: 0.00420524434954915
DOCNO: 222140
QUALIFIER: therapeutic use
AUTHOR: L Rosenberg L
AUTHOR: S Shapiro S
AUTHOR: D W Kaufman DW
AUTHOR: O S Miettinen OS
AUTHOR: P D Stolley PD
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: American journal of epidemiology.
TITLE: Patterns and determinants of conjugated estrogen use.
PUBDATE: 19790601
In view of the carcinogenic potential and widespread use of conjugated estrogens (CEs), this study evaluated patterns and determinants of oral ambulatory CE use. Among 1273 women 30 to 69 years of age interviewed in Greater-Boston hospitals, there were 161 (13%) ever-users of CEs; 88 (7%) had used the drug within the preceding year. The median duration of use was three years. Prominent determinants of use were age, menopause and history of menopausal symptoms. Physician prescription survey data from an independent source suggest that CE use has been common throughout the United States, and may have declined after the reports linking CEs to endometrial cancer were published in 1975. If CE use indeed increases the risk of endometrial cancer some fivefold, an important public health problem exists.

4. DOCID:3326 SCORE: 0.00364996543892815
DOCNO: 193020
DESCRIPTOR: Neoplasm Regression, Spontaneous
QUALIFIER: pathology
AUTHOR: H I Firminger HI
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: National Cancer Institute monograph.
TITLE: A pathologist looks at spontaneous regression of cancer.
PUBDATE: 19761101
We are all subjected to varying amounts of mutating, potential cancer-inducing events, which are cumulative. In most instances, the accumulations are repaired or are lethal. If a viable clone survives, it must proliferate in order to become manifest and eventually to overpower the host's normal regulatory and defense mechanisms. The proliferation may be incited and sustained by cocarcinogens, hormone excess, chronic infections such as schistosomiasis, and in the case of lymphoid cells, by immune incompetence. On the other side are the protective reparing enzymes, which serve to cut out the damaged segments of DNA and repair them as fast as they can. The normal homeostatic mechanisms tend to keep cell proliferation and activity within the beneficial bounds of need. The controlling forces that cause cells to stop reproducing themselves and differentiate to perform a useful function also tend to slow or even stop the useless proliferation if all the cells can undergo maturation to a postmitotic state. There are also the protective mechanisms of immunity: Sensitized B lymphocytes tag the antigenic sites of tumor cells and activate the T-cell macrophages to destroy the tagged cells.

5. DOCID:3635 SCORE: 0.00351764467272963
DOCNO: 1112843
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
AUTHOR: S E Larsson SE
AUTHOR: R Lorentzon R
AUTHOR: L Boquist L
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.
TITLE: Giant-cell tumor of bone. A demographic, clinical, and histopathological study of all cases recorded in the Swedish Cancer Registry for the years 1958 through 1968.
PUBDATE: 19750301
All seventy-five cases recorded as giant-cell tumor of bone in the Swedish Cancer Registry for the years 1958 through 1968 were analyzed. At reexamination, fifty-three cases constituted genuine giant-cell tumor of bone and twenty cases were so-called "giant-cell variants". The genuine giant-cell tumors showed a significantly higher incidence in the urban than in the rural population. The recurrence rate was 42 per cent. Patients under the age of twenty-five rarely had recurrences. A high recurrence rate was found among patients with tumors located in the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia. Tumors penetrating through the bone cortex were more aggressive than those located entirely within bone, regardless of tumor size and presence or absence of spontaneous fracture. A malignant course was found in 11.3 per cent of cases, predominantly in patients with tumors in the femur. Histopathological grading was of no prognostic value. Primary en bloc resection with or without prosthetic replacement is recommended in patients over the age of twenty-five.

6. DOCID:2875 SCORE: 0.00346878218506793
DOCNO: 59126
QUALIFIER: chemically induced
QUALIFIER: drug therapy
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
AUTHOR: B Armstrong B
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
TITLE: Rauwolfia derivatives and breast cancer in hypertensive women.
PUBDATE: 19760701
Three groups of women were selected from a sample of death certificates that had been coded by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys for all conditions mentioned on them: (1) all women with reference to both breast cancer and hypertension; (2) all women with reference to hypertension and other cancers; (3) a group of women with reference to hypertension without cancer, selected to match the breast-cancer patients with respect to five features. When the women with breast cancer were compared with both the women with other cancers and the women without cancer, there was a positive association between breast cancer and the use of rauwolfia derivatives, although neither the differences in the frequency nor duration observed were statistically significant. The association appeared to be strongest for use near the time of diagnosis of the cancer. This agrees with nearly all other data and would be expected if rauwolfia derivatives promoted the development of breast cancer from previously initiated cells.

7. DOCID:3309 SCORE: 0.00345707693523976
DOCNO: 60119
DESCRIPTOR: Immunologic Techniques
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: immunology
AUTHOR: T A McPherson TA
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: British journal of cancer.
TITLE: Responses of cancer patients in the MEM test: not just a function of charge on basic proteins.
PUBDATE: 19760701
It has been reported that lymphocytes from cancer patients give positive responses to PPD, myelin basic protein, tumour basic protein, and certain histone fractions in the MEM test. The underlying mechanisms of the MEM test are poorly understood, but it is widely assumed that it detects immunological sensitization to specific antigenic determinants. The cross-reactivity experienced is interpreted as indicating shared antigenicity. Since all the stimulatory proteins are strongly basic we investigated an alternative explanation that responsiveness is a function of electrical charge by comparing the known stimulatory proteins in the MEM test with two others of similar basicity: lysozyme and cytochrome-C. We obtained highly significant stimulation with PPD, tryptophane peptide of myelin, and tumour basic protein using Mantoux + cancer patients, but found no response to other basic proteins. We failed to confirm the reported activity of histone F2a. Our results indicate that basicity alone is insufficient to elicit response, and strengthens the concept that the MEM test is measuring sensitization to the determinants shared by myelin and tumour basic protein.

8. DOCID:3831 SCORE: 0.00340744065789917
DOCNO: 45892
DESCRIPTOR: Staining and Labeling
DESCRIPTOR: Tolonium Chloride
QUALIFIER: metabolism
QUALIFIER: metabolism
QUALIFIER: metabolism
AUTHOR: R Lepage R
AUTHOR: G de Lamirande G
AUTHOR: R Daoust R
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Cancer research.
TITLE: Biochemical estimation of the basic dye-binding capacity of RNA from rat hepatoma.
PUBDATE: 19750101
Areas of hyperplastic livers that acquire hyperbasophilic properties at advanced stages of carcinogenesis apparently represent the sites of neoplastic trasnformation, and hyperstaining of cytoplasmic RNA with basic dyes also characterizes the cancer cells. Estimations of the RNA content of cell fractions from normal rat liver and solid Novikoff hepatoma provided no evidence that the intense staining of cancer cells could be explained on the basis of an increase in cytoplasmic RNA content. The possibility that cytoplasmic fractions of Novikoff hepatoma show greater affinity for basic dyes than corresponding normal fractions has been examined by means of a test-tube toluidine blue-binding assay. The results revealed that the dye-binding capacity of total cytoplasmic fractions from tumors is 75% higher than normal after Carnoy fixation which retains mostly ribosomal RNA. Assays on fresh ribosomes indicated that tumor ribosomes bind 71% more toluidine blue per mg of RNA than the ribosomal preparation from normal liver. This study thus demonstrates a greater affinity of tumor RNA for basic dyes, and a comparison of biochemical and cytophotometric analyses suggests that an increase in basophilia by a factor OF ABOUT 2 WOULD BE DUE TO A qualitative alteration in robosomal RNA molecules and/or ribosome structure in cnacer cells.

9. DOCID:7333 SCORE: 0.00329776280469434
DOCNO: 719614
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
AUTHOR: B Chernow B
AUTHOR: S F Wallner SF
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
TITLE: Variables predictive of bone marrow metastasis.
PUBDATE: 19781101
Metastasis to bone marrow, though frequently occult, is an important clinical finding. Variables which correlate with carcinoma metastatic to bone marrow were studied retrospectively in 103 patients with malignancy whose bone marrow biopsies demonstrated metastatic disease. Sixty-six patients with metastatic cancer whose bone marrow biopsies were negative, served as controls. Since no single finding was diagnostic of marrow cancer, multiple variables were analyzed by stepwise discriminate analysis program. The four parameters which strongly correlated with marrow involvement were the leukoerythroblastic blood pattern, a serum lactic dehydrogenase over 500 IU/liter, a platelet count under 100,000/microliter and bone pain. Four parameters correlated less well and included a positive bone scan, hematocrit under 30%, uric acid over 10 mg/dl and blood urea nitrogen over 25 mg/dl. These data should help the clinician select those cancer patients with a high probability of marrow involvement.

10. DOCID:7937 SCORE: 0.0031874836880087
DOCNO: 7292383
QUALIFIER: analysis
QUALIFIER: immunology
AUTHOR: A Segal-Eiras A
AUTHOR: R W Baldwin RW
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
TITLE: Circulating immune complexes in patients with lung cancer.
PUBDATE: 19810101
Sera from 41 patients with lung cancer and 41 age and sex-matched hospital inpatients with non-malignant disease were tested for the presence of immune complexes using the 125Iodine Clq binding test. All patients were untreated or had recurrences after surgery. An increased Clq binding activity was found in 34% of patients with lung cancer and 24% of patients with non-malignant disease. There was no significant association between increased serum Clq binding activity and histological tumour type or survival but there was an association with the extent of malignant disease. No patient with limited (state 1) disease had raised Clq binding activity but in 42% of patients with extensive disease it was increased. Increased Clq binding activity did not correlate with either an increased total white cell count of ESR. Measurement of Clq binding activity may be of value in serial monitoring of disease progress and response to treatment.

11. DOCID:7846 SCORE: 0.0030871217089818
DOCNO: 6155005
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: therapy
AUTHOR: E Sieberth E
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (1946)
TITLE: [On the problems of geriatric carcinomas (author's transl)]
PUBDATE: 19800201
Generally the cancer of the rectum is one besides several other diseases of the patient; clinically it recedes often far into the background of the actual happening. With increasing age the real geriatric diseases come to the foreground of the clinical findings dominated by the arteriosclerosis in all its variations. Therefore the treatment has to take into account the true secondary diseases besides the cancer. Judging the progress of the illness and the therapeutic effect these facts must be considered. Due to the intanglement of geriatric and oncological symptoms it is impossible to separate geriatrics from oncology. Concerning these connections it seems to be justified to characterize the rectum cancer--and also some other cancers--as a particularly geriatric one. The practical consequence of this hypothesis is a change of therapeutic planning, coordinating oncological and geriatric points of view according to the respective requirements. At this psychological and social-medical problems have to be taken into consideration.

12. DOCID:3867 SCORE: 0.00297298594334326
DOCNO: 886534
DESCRIPTOR: Radiotherapy Dosage
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: radiotherapy
AUTHOR: S Jampolis S
AUTHOR: G Pipard G
AUTHOR: P Schroder P
AUTHOR: I Sentenac I
AUTHOR: E Ibrahim E
AUTHOR: P Aupecle P
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Journal de radiologie, d'électrologie, et de médecine nucléaire.
TITLE: [Evolution of the dosimetric criteria of the curietherapy in carcinoma of uterine cervix (author's transl)]
PUBDATE: 19770501
The difficulties which arise when comparing the different therapeutic attitudes concerning the treatment in the curable stages of cancer of the uterine cervix have led us to the formation of dosimetric criteria to be employed in the analysis of the intracavity therapy. We have established points of reference which can be utilized irregardless of the intracavitary technique therapy. We have established points of reference which can be utilized irregardless of the intracavitary technique employed. Furthermore, we have analysed those patients who have received the same dose of external irradiation in an effort to establish as the only variable the intracavitary treatment. Forty patients, receiving 4,000 rads tumor dose in 4 weeks, were reviewed and demonstrated a correlation between the reference volume of the intracavitary treatment (as defined by the three dimensions W, H, T) and eventual complications (4 cases of Rectitis 1). We now feel that with the utilisation of these dosimetric criteria we will be able to: minimize the risk of complication without augmenting the indicence of local-regional failures; facilitate the objective comparison of the efficacity of the different intracavitary techniques presently employed at the major treatment centers.

13. DOCID:2424 SCORE: 0.0028386085230023
DOCNO: 12333972
DESCRIPTOR: Breast Neoplasms
DESCRIPTOR: Contraceptives, Oral
DESCRIPTOR: Endometrial Neoplasms
DESCRIPTOR: Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
DESCRIPTOR: Vaginal Neoplasms
AUTHOR: M A Sperling MA
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Western journal of medicine and surgery.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Complications of systemic oral contraceptive therapy: neoplasm - breast, uterus, cervix and vagina.
PUBDATE: 19750101
The potential carcinogenic effect of oral contraceptive (OC) agents in the induction of cancer in sex hormone target organs and the possibility that OCs may be important in reducing the risk factors for these malignant lesions are reviewed. Despite many clinical investigations no direct link between OCs and breast carcinoma or fibroadenoma has been found. 1 study purported that carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix was increased among OC users, however, pretherapy cytologic examinations were not done. There is evidence that synthetic progestogens depress mitosis in uterine cancer cells. The association of taking diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy and subsequent development of adenocarcinoma of the vagina in the daughters was found to be highly signigicant (p less than .00001). It is concluded that certain OCs play a role in the genesis of vaginal malignant disease.

14. DOCID:7974 SCORE: 0.00283459981283224
DOCNO: 89882
DESCRIPTOR: Precancerous Conditions
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: cytology
AUTHOR: M E Beyer-Boon ME
AUTHOR: L H Cuypers LH
AUTHOR: H J de Voogt HJ
AUTHOR: J A Brussee JA
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: British journal of urology.
TITLE: Cytological changes due to urinary calculi: a consideration of the relationship between calculi and the development of urothelial carcinoma.
PUBDATE: 19780401
Urinary calculi can induce urothelial cellular abnormalities comparable with those of malignancy; this was found in 11 out of 62 lithiasis cases. Severe cellular changes, comparable with those of carcinoma in situ, may be seen in the epithelium adjacent to a calculus. Squamous metaplasia was frequently observed in cases with staghorn stones in the renal pelvis. The abrasive effect of the calculus may result in many multinucleated cells in the sediment. When the calculi are removed the cytological atypia and the observed multinucleation disappeared, and none of these 62 patients developed urothelial carcinoma. A possible relationship was found between a long-term clinical history of lithiasis and the development of cancer of the upper urinary tract in a study of 92 cases of carcinoma of the ureter and renal pelvis.