0. DOCID:29828 SCORE: 0.00239208282495414
DOCNO: 12170569
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: therapy
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: methods
QUALIFIER: drug effects
AUTHOR: Donna S Zhukovsky DS
AFFILIATION: Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe, Box 8, Houston, TX 77030, USA. dzhukovs@mdanderson.org
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Hematology/oncology clinics of North America.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Fever and sweats in the patient with advanced cancer.
PUBDATE: 20020601
Fever and sweats are common complications of cancer and its treatment. This article reviews potential causes and pathophysiologic mechanisms of fever and sweat. Management recommendations, consisting of primary interventions directed at contributing causes and pathophysiologic mechanisms, and non-specific palliative measures are discussed. Optimal management is contingent on the physician's integration of medical expertise with patient-derived goals of care.

1. DOCID:29812 SCORE: 0.00232976371904449
DOCNO: 12938269
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: therapy
QUALIFIER: therapy
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: analogs & derivatives
AUTHOR: Hiroshi Miyahara H
AUTHOR: Katsunari Yane K
AUTHOR: Kimiko Naito K
AFFILIATION: Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka Prefectural General Hospital.
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy.
TITLE: [A case of posterior wall cancer of the hypopharynx treated with docetaxel followed by radiation]
PUBDATE: 20030801
We treated a 67-year-old female with hypopharyngeal cancer (T2N0) in the posterior wall, who had a complete response after two cycles of chemotherapy with docetaxel followed by radiation. Five years after this therapy she has had no recurrence and no metastasis, with preserved laryngeal framework and function. Docetaxel is useful for treating early head and neck cancer.

2. DOCID:29994 SCORE: 0.00210199797466446
DOCNO: 14565067
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
AUTHOR: Sharon Perlman S
AUTHOR: Roni Levy R
AUTHOR: Alon Ben-Arie A
AUTHOR: Zion Hagay Z
AFFILIATION: Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
TITLE: [Cervical carcinoma associated with pregnancy]
PUBDATE: 20031001
Cervical carcinoma is one of the most common malignancies diagnosed during pregnancy since about 30% of diagnosed women are in their fertile years. Diagnosis of cervical cancer during pregnancy superimposes ethical dilemmas on the clinical considerations. Both maternal and fetal outcome should be considered when managing such a case. Is it necessary to discontinue the pregnancy? What are the implications of delayed treatment? How does the treatment affect the fetus and newborn? This article reviews the practical aspects of these issues and suggests management proposals.

3. DOCID:31788 SCORE: 0.00189534513622365
DOCNO: 14997050
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
AUTHOR: Eiji Nakajima E
AUTHOR: Hiroji Iwata H
AUTHOR: Takushi Iwase T
AUTHOR: Hiroshi Murai H
AUTHOR: Mituhiro Mizutani M
AUTHOR: Shigeto Miura S
AUTHOR: Harubumi Kato H
AFFILIATION: Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan. eiji1026@naa.att.ne.jp
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Breast cancer research and treatment.
COUNTRY: Netherlands
TITLE: Four cases of chylous fistula after breast cancer resection.
PUBDATE: 20040101
Chylous fistulas in cases treated surgically for breast cancer only, are rare. We encountered four chylous fistula cases after breast cancer operations out of a total of 851 cases, all of which involved the left breast. Chylous fistulas were confirmed by axillary white fluid and were unrelated to obesity, surgical method or the area of axillary lymph node dissection. All four cases of chylous fistulas were successfully treated conservatively, with no special dietary control and no surgical treatment.

4. DOCID:30062 SCORE: 0.00183563517538634
DOCNO: 15137957
QUALIFIER: anatomy & histology
QUALIFIER: anatomy & histology
AUTHOR: Nadav Dujovny N
AUTHOR: Roderick M Quiros RM
AUTHOR: Theodore J Saclarides TJ
AFFILIATION: Department of General Surgery, Section of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, 1653 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Surgical oncology clinics of North America.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Anorectal anatomy and embryology.
PUBDATE: 20040401
The anal canal is complex in its anatomy and its embryologic origin. The intricate and changing histology of the anal canal explains the different types of anal cancer. In addition, an understanding of the venous and the lymphatic drainage of the anal canal helps to explain its methods of dissemination. Finally, the basis for the treatment of anal cancer is derived from the cancer's anatomic origins.

5. DOCID:31131 SCORE: 0.00182098717004629
DOCNO: 12185842
QUALIFIER: physiology
AUTHOR: Isabelle Cohen I
AUTHOR: Maria Castedo M
AUTHOR: Guido Kroemer G
AFFILIATION: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR1599, Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille-Desmoulins, F-94805 Villejuif, France.
JOURNALTITLE: Trends in cell biology.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Tantalizing Thanatos: unexpected links in death pathways.
PUBDATE: 20020701
Cell death is most frequently the result of apoptosis, an event that is often controlled by mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (MMP). Recent data reveal unexpected functional links between apoptosis and autophagic cell death, in the sense that MMP can trigger autophagy of damaged mitochondria. Conversely, one of the major signal-transducing molecules involved in the activation of autophagy during apoptosis--the so-called DAP kinase--can induce cell death through MMP. Connections are also emerging between apoptosis, autophagy, replicative senescence and cancer-specific metabolic changes.

6. DOCID:30591 SCORE: 0.001820979382601
DOCNO: 16200198
QUALIFIER: metabolism
QUALIFIER: metabolism
QUALIFIER: metabolism
QUALIFIER: metabolism
QUALIFIER: metabolism
AUTHOR: Anthony Letai A
AFFILIATION: Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. anthony_letai@dfci.harvard.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Journal of clinical investigation.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Pharmacological manipulation of Bcl-2 family members to control cell death.
PUBDATE: 20051001
The commitment to programmed cell death involves complex interactions among pro- and antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. The physiological result of a decision by these proteins to undergo cell death is permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane. Pharmacologic manipulation of proteins in this family appears both feasible and efficacious, whether the goal is decreased cell death, as in ischemia of the myocardium or brain, or increased cell death, as in cancer.

7. DOCID:31804 SCORE: 0.00168785532182621
DOCNO: 12755956
DESCRIPTOR: Genes, Tumor Suppressor
DESCRIPTOR: Proto-Oncogene Proteins
QUALIFIER: genetics
QUALIFIER: genetics
AUTHOR: S C Chandrasekharappa SC
AFFILIATION: Genome Technology Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Journal of internal medicine.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Functional studies of the MEN1 gene.
PUBDATE: 20030601
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is an autosomal dominant cancer syndrome affecting primarily parathyroid, enteropancreatic endocrine and pituitary tissues. The inactivating germline and somatic mutations spread throughout the gene and the accompanying loss of the second allele in tumours show that the MEN1 gene is a tumour suppressor. The MEN1-encoded protein, menin, is a novel nuclear protein. Menin binds and alters JunD-, NF-kappaB-, Smad3-mediated transcriptional activation. The mouse Men1 knockout model mimicks the human MEN1 condition contributing to the understanding of tumorigenesis in MEN1.

8. DOCID:29363 SCORE: 0.00166252328414502
DOCNO: 15148332
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: immunology
AUTHOR: Christian Münz C
AFFILIATION: Laboratory of Viral Immunobiology, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Ave., New York, NY 10021, USA. munzc@rockefeller.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Journal of experimental medicine.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Epstein-barr virus nuclear antigen 1: from immunologically invisible to a promising T cell target.
PUBDATE: 20040501
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1)--the one EBV antigen that is expressed in all EBV-associated malignancies--has long been thought to go undetected by the cell-mediated immune system. However, recent studies show that EBNA1 can be presented to both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, making it a potential new target for immunotherapy of EBV-related cancers.

9. DOCID:28544 SCORE: 0.00164241394969878
DOCNO: 12368060
DESCRIPTOR: Genome, Fungal
QUALIFIER: genetics
AUTHOR: John C Game JC
JOURNALTITLE: Trends in pharmacological sciences.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: New genome-wide methods bring more power to yeast as a model organism.
PUBDATE: 20021001
Recent developments in genetic research using Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided rapid new methods for identifying the genes that control cellular responses to treatment with a wide variety of agents, including chemicals and radiation. This significantly increases the power of yeast as a model system for studying human cellular responses to these agents, and for identifying human genes that are important in DNA repair and cancer.

10. DOCID:31699 SCORE: 0.00153556563001852
DOCNO: 12198875
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
AFFILIATION: Klinik für Innere Medizin am Evangelischen Krankenhaus Hattingen. Andreas.Tromm@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: MMW Fortschritte der Medizin.
COUNTRY: Germany
TITLE: [Peptic stenosis, motility disorder or carcinoma. What is ate the bottom of dysphagia?]
PUBDATE: 20020701
Dysphagia is the characteristic cardinal symptom of diseases of the esophagus. Etiologically, consideration must first be given to carcinoma of the esophagus. Among the cancers affecting this organ, adenocarcinoma of the distal part of the esophagus is the most common. The most important differential diagnosis in patients who have difficulty swallowing is peptic stricture of the distal esophagus arising from long-standing reflux disease. Further possible causes are motility disorders of the esophagus including, in particular, achalasia and--more rarely--diverticula, foreign bodies, membranes or rings, benign tumors or extraluminal processes.

11. DOCID:28876 SCORE: 0.00147362557907516
DOCNO: 16379223
STATUS: In-Process
AUTHOR: Richard S Weeder RS
AUTHOR: Ira Zunin I
AUTHOR: Ian Okazaki I
AUTHOR: Fedor Lurie F
AFFILIATION: Straub Clinic and Hospital, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA. dik1536789@aol.com
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Hawaii medical journal.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: The educational approach to advanced cancer: a preliminary report.
PUBDATE: 20051101
Survival from cancer depends primarily on reduction of tumor burden through surgery chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But other factors such as energy levels, immunity and will to live have long been known to play a part. Some of these factors are best provided by complementary therapy. Our program, educational in nature, attempts to make these modalities available to the patient.

12. DOCID:28710 SCORE: 0.00147362498913421
DOCNO: 16370394
STATUS: In-Process
AUTHOR: Hartmut Kristeleit H
AFFILIATION: Institute of Cancer Research, The Breakthrough Toby Robins Breast Cancer Research Center, 237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK. Hartmut.Kristeleit@icr.ac.uk
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Current opinion in investigational drugs (London, England : 2000)
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: IGN-311. Igeneon.
PUBDATE: 20051201
Igeneon, under license from Protein Design Labs, is developing IGN-311, an intravenous humanized monoclonal antibody against the Lewis Y carbohydrate antigen, as a potential agent for the passive immunotherapy of cancer, particularly epithelial tumors affecting breast, colon, gastric and pancreatic tissues. A phase I/II trial of IGN-311 was initiated in July 2005.

13. DOCID:31289 SCORE: 0.00146981735634385
DOCNO: 12879795
QUALIFIER: diagnosis
AUTHOR: Virginie Westeel V
AFFILIATION: Service de pneumologie CHU Hôpital Jean Minjoz 25030 Besançor. virginie.westeel@ufc-chu.univ-fcomte.fr
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: La Revue du praticien.
TITLE: [Diagnosis of lung cancer]
PUBDATE: 20030401
Primary lung cancer is usually diagnosed in patients referred for occurrence of symptoms. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to choose the best diagnostic strategy. Diagnostic assessment has two main objectives: to define the pathological type of the tumour, and to stage the disease. Minimal diagnostic procedures include chest X-ray, thoracic CT scan with sections on the adrenals, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, and abdominal ultrasound. Other relevant procedures depend on the clinical and anatomical presentation of the disease. Improvement of lung cancer prognosis should not only rely on therapeutic advances but also focus on achieving early diagnosis of the disease.

14. DOCID:31586 SCORE: 0.00146973306447558
DOCNO: 12021543
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: methods
AUTHOR: Hiroyuki Matsue H
AUTHOR: Masahiro Kusuhara M
AUTHOR: Keiko Matsue K
AUTHOR: Akira Takashima A
AFFILIATION: Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390-6069, USA. hiroyuki.matsue@utsouthwestern.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: International archives of allergy and immunology.
COUNTRY: Switzerland
TITLE: Dendritic cell-based immunoregulatory strategies.
PUBDATE: 20020401
Dendritic cells (DC) are special subsets of professional antigen-presenting cells that play a dual role in initiating and silencing acquired immune responses. Thus, it should be feasible to control the magnitude and direction of immune responses by experimental manipulation of DC function. We will provide an overview of the recent progress in the development of DC-based immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive strategies, which are potentially applicable to the treatment of cancer, allergy, autoimmune disease, allograft rejection and graft versus host disease.