
It is interesting to observe through those photos how I am getting old over time, but of course something almost never change, for example, my hair style. That is actually because I am extremely bad at doing any hairstyle, and I look awfully like a boy with short hair, so the options left are the simplest and easiest: polytail or straight long hair.

Standard Big-head Photos

Those photos were taken for various official use, such as school ID, department record, website, passport, etc.

Warning: I do not necessarily look like me in those standard big-head photos, as told by others:

Spring, 1996 Spring, 2000 Fall, 2000 Fall, 2002 Fall, 2003

Scanned from my Tsinghua University Student ID

Before coming to US


First came to CMU.

Photo used on ETC website

Just entered the Computer Scinece Ph.D. program at CMU

My personal website photo - cropped from a bigger size photo taken at Singapore

Me in China

My family was frequently moving during my childhood, so the question " where are you from?" or "where did you grow up?" is always a kind of difficult for me to answer in brief. My hometown is in Hunan Province, I was born in Guizhou Province, and now my family is in Haikou, the capital of Hainan Province. Hainan is a beautiful small island in the very south of China, often deemed as "Eastern Hawaii". I went to college (Tsinghua University) in Beijing and spent four fabulous years there.

Fall, 1998

May, 2000

May, 2000

Beijing Botanical Garden Beijing Yonghe Lama-sery New east gate of Tsinghua University campus
Thanks to Tsinghua's strict physical exercise requirement, I was at my highest weight during that time. I seemed very serious, but why? I don't remember. A new gate, with a new graduate.
Spring, 2000 Spring, 2000 Summer, 2000 June 2000
Haikou Holiday Beach Haikou Golden-ox Hill Park Haikou Wanlv Garden Graduation photo of the whole class J62 (Computer 62)
The sentence on the beach: You are the most ... girl on the beach. See that golden ox on the hill in the far back? Photo taken by my father, an amateur photographer. I had to keep my pose for ten minutes before the photo was taken.

A typical engineering major class in Tsinghua University - count how many girls in our class.


More to come...

Last modified: May 23, 2004 Home Page