Nearest neighbor and proximity problems in high dimensions

Piotr Indyk
Stanford University

Recently, in the field of Computational Geometry, there has been significant progress in designing algorithms for proximity problems (e.g. nearest neighbor, closest pair, minimum spanning tree) in high-dimensional spaces. The key property of the new algorithms is that the dependence of their running time on the dimension is only polynomial (as opposed to exponential dependence exhibited by previous techniques), while maintaining the sublinear/subquadratic dependence on the number of input points. This comes at a price of approximation: the algorithms find solutions within a factor of c>1 from the optimal ones. In this talk I will review some of those developments, in particular:

If time allows, I will also present experimental evaluations of some of the above algorithms, which lead to conclusion that the above running times are significant overestimations of the actual behavior of the algorithms on real data.
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