Fried Plantains

From: Nancy Whitney
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 9:47:47 EST
This is an easy and tasy way of preparing plantains;

2 Pantains
Oil for frying

Cut plantains into about 1/2 inch slices.  Fry for several minutes in 
hot oil, until slices begin to turn golden (not too dark), and they are 
beginning to get tender.  They do not need to be really soft at this 

Take slices out of oil and drain on a paper towel.  Move to a sturdy 
surface like a cutting board, and smash the slices down with the bottom
of a cup (like a juice glass or some such).  The point is to make them 
smash down to about 1/2 their original height, not to get them really 

Throw back into hot oil and fry again, until they get more tender, maybe
1-2 minutes on each side.  Take out of oil, drain, sprinkle with salt and
server in place of potatos. 


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