
From: (Carol S. Cochrane)
Date: 31 Aug 93 14:55:55 GMT

Here's the scone recipe I learned in Jr. High Home Economics class 
in Bermuda, so I figure it should be pretty authentic.  I've had
good success with it.


2 cups   flour                         1/4 cup sugar
3 tsp.   baking powder                 1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp. salt                           1      egg (beaten)
4 T.     Crisco


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.  Lightly grease cookie sheet.
Mix dry ingredients and sugar, then cut in Crisco.
Combine beaten egg and milk.  
Add egg mixture to dry ingredients and mix until it forms
   a soft spongy dough.
Place dough on a lightly floured board and knead lightly until 
Divide dough in half and shape each half into a 3/4 inch thick 
   circle and score into 6 triangles. [See note.]
Brush top with a little egg or milk to help it brown better.
Place on tray and bake 10 to 15 minutes.


Add 1/2 cup chopped dates, currants, raisins, or mixed peel.
OR Add 1/2 cup grated cheese.
[I think raisins are the most traditional addition.  These
  should be added to the dry ingredients.  If you forget (as I
  always seem to do), they can be kneaded in at the kneading stage.

Note:  This is the original method.  I found it difficult to get
       the center to cook thoroughly this way.  Instead, I generally
       roll the dough out to 1/2 inch thick and use a biscuit
       cutter (or any round cookie cutter which is deep enough).


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