Research Interests

  • Multiagent learning,
  • Multiagent planning,
  • Game theory,
  • Competitive and cooperative multiagent systems,
  • Reinforcement learning,
  • Machine learning,
  • Mobile robots, and
  • Computer game environments.
Other Sources of Information:

For more information on some of these topics...
The MultiRobot Lab
Robotic Soccer at CMU
Robot Learning Lab
Machine Learning Chats


Below you will find video demonstrations of some of my research. The videos show the CMUnited and CMDragons RoboCup soccer teams, in competition, interacting with humans, and learning using the techniques I developed for my dissertation. All the videos are recorded at real time, playback speed may vary depending on the machine and software.

NOTICE: The videos successfully play under linux using mplayer. The MPEG-1 (lower resolution) videos play under Windows Media Player, but MPEG-2 videos do not. Enjoy!

Adversarial Robot Learning

This is a video of my most recent work applying WoLF and policy gradient techniques to an adversarial, simultaneous, robot learning problem. The robot at the top of the video is trying to get inside the circle on the field, while the closer robot is trying to stop it. Learning was carried out in simulation for 2000 trials, and on the robots for an additional 2000 trials. The video shows the resulting policies after learning.

MPEG-2, 75.1MB, 720x480, ~2m

MPEG-1, 30.4MB, 360x240, ~2m

CMDragons Interacting with People...

CMDragons'02 is CMU's most recent RoboCup small-size team. I was highly involved in the development of this team, responsible for motion control, tactical behavior, and strategic team behavior through a play-based, adapting team architecture. We advanced to the quarterfinals at RoboCup 2002. The video below shows this team in action against a human playing with a hockey stick. Although our robots can't see the woman or the hockey stick, they can still put up a strong defense.

Windows Media, 25.6MB, 320x240, ~5m

CMUnited '98

This is is a 4 minute video giving an overview of CMUnited '98, the RoboCup small-size robot champion team. I was the team leader and also narrate the video.

MPEG-2, 142MB, 640x480, ~4m

MPEG-1, 103MB, 320x240, ~4m
