Fast Replanning for Navigation in Unknown Terrain
Sven Koenig* and Maxim Likhachev**
*University of Southern California, **Carnegie Mellon University
Mobile robots often operate in domains that are
only incompletely known, for example, when they have to
move from given start coordinates to given goal coordinates
in unknown terrain. In this case, they need to be able to
replan quickly as their knowledge of the terrain changes.
Focussed Dynamic A* (D*) developed by Stentz
repeatedly determines a shortest path from the current robot
coordinates to the goal coordinates while the robot moves along
the path. It is able to replan faster than planning from scratch
since it modifies its previous search results locally. Consequently,
it has been extensively used in mobile robotics. In this article, we
introduce an alternative to D* that determines the same paths
and thus moves the robot in the same way but is algorithmically
different. D* Lite is simple, can be rigorously analyzed, extendible
in multiple ways, and is at least as efficient as D*. We believe
that our results will make D*-like replanning methods even
more popular and enable robotics researchers to adapt them
to additional applications.