Trip to Kenya & Egypt
My parents and I visited my cousin in Nairobi.

Italian food at Tortillis camp in Amboseli National Park.

Our Land Rover mates (all American), and driver Ali.

Researchers are continually driving around elephants at Amboseli, so they don't mind us being close.

All these pictures were taken with a 35mm lens, so objects are closer than they appear.  (Except Kilimanjaro - it's pretty far in real life, too.)

One of the nearby Maasai villages hosts a few van loads of tourists at $20 a head.

 It was fascinating to see, and to talk to this guy, the only English speaker.

Scenic good-bye shot.

On to the next luxury safari camp, Kichwa Tembo, in Masai Mara reserve.

Running hot water of course.

Gets mighty chilly at 6000 feet, even if we're only 1 degree south latitude.

Lunchtime at the Topi cafe.

Here's where the crocodiles eat the wildebeest during their migration.

Cactus grows on trees!

Kara and Katya at the giraffe zoo outside Nairobi.

One of the more progressive looking views of Nairobi, exiting the Kenyatta Conference Center.

Standing on Cairo's Citadel, looking toward Hassan mosque, and the mosque where the last Shah of Iran is buried.

Looking over a 'cemetery' toward the Citadel.

Housing like this was everywhere in Egypt - miles and miles of it.  It looks like a combination of under construction and under demolishment.  Each building is individually owned, and as the family expands, they add more stories.

Reconstruction at Karnak.

More Karnak.