Assessment Validation with Item Response Theory

Do you have assessment data that you would like to understand better?

Do you want to be able to look at an assessment and evaluate the questions rather than the students?

Do you have a research assessment that you would like to validate?

Would you like to see how Item Response Theory can give you more insight into your assessments?

This workshop will introduce you to two parameter Rasch models for analysis of binary questions (right or wrong) as well as graded response models for scaled questions. The workshop with use the R statistical package to generate Item Characteristic Curves as well as Test Information Functions. We will then discuss the information provided by the models and what its implications are for the data.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets, however data will be provided to work with if you have none.

Contact Leigh Ann Sudol at with any questions or with your name and affiliated institution in order to register for the workshop.

Date: Sunday August 8 (1pm - 5pm)

Where: Co-Located with ICER 2010 in Aarhus, Denmark