L. Douglas Baker

Home Address available upon request
Office Address

Wean Hall, 8102
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Office Phone (412) 683-6036
Home Page http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ldbapp

Objective A position in a dynamic, highly-skilled applied research and development team using statistical machine learning to solve large-scale, real-world tasks such as Information Retrieval and Text Classification.
Education Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
    Ph.D., Computer Science, in progress
    M.S., Computer Science, 1999
  Technical University of Berlin Berlin, Germany
    Exchange Fellow, 1992-1993
  University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
    M.S.E., Computer Science and Engineering, 1994 B.S.E., Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, 1992
Research Experience
  Carnegie Mellon University 1994-present
    I am currently pursuing my dissertation research: a hierarchical probabilistic model for novelty detection in text. This work is being done as part of the Topic Detection and Tracking project at CMU, under the direction of Yiming Yang. The goal is to automatically identify new classes of data and to augment a classification model to incorporate the new classes. One of the challenges of this project is the large amount of data that must be handled but yet with only a small amount of data from which a system can learn.

    I have also worked on neural networks with Scott Fahlman. My research into using neural nets for Chinese character recognition piqued my interest in language modelling. In collaboration with Andrew McCallum, we developed a word clustering algorithm (first publication below).

  University of Michigan 1992
    I was one of 4 team leaders in an interdisciplinary design group comprised of computer, electrical, mechanical and aerospace engineers, atmospheric and natural resource scientists, and chemists. We developed a preliminary design of an autonomous remotely-piloted aircraft for low-altitude remote atmospheric sensing. I led the development of the autonomous navigation system.
  Artificial Intelligence Lab., U. Michigan 1990-1994
    I worked with Prof. Terry Weymouth on mobile robotics. I implemented a command interface for controlling mobile robots over the internet, and I parallelized an single-camera depth perception algorithm for use on Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Hermies III mobile robot. I worked with Dr. Weymouth and Dave Kortenkamp on mobile robot navigation (third publication below). I also participated in the design and assembly of a robot for the AAAI '92 Robot Competition (second publication below).
  L. Douglas Baker, Andrew McCallum. 1998. "Distributional Clustering of Words for Text Classification". Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '98), pp. 96-103.
  M. Huber, C. Bidlack, D. Kortenkamp, K. Mangis, L. Douglas Baker, A. Wu, T. Weymouth. 1993. "Computer Vision for CARMEL", in Mobile Robots VII, W. Wolfe, W. Chun (editors), Proc. SPIE 1831, pp. 144-155.
  Dave Kortenkamp, L. Douglas Baker, Terry Weymouth. 1992. "Using Gateways to Build a Route Map", Proc. of the 1992 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Teaching Experience
  Teaching Fellow, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence 1997--present
  Adjunct Language Instructor, Intercultural Communications Center 1998--present
  Staff of NSF Microteaching Workshop Summer 1999
  Teaching Assistant, Advanced Artificial Intelligence Spring 2000
  Recitation Instructor, Fundamentals of Computer Science Spring 1996 and 1997
Professional Activities
  Organizing Committee, Neural Information Processing Systems Conference, Webmaster 1997-2000
Work and programming experience:
  Justsystem Corp., Programmer Tokushima, Japan
Summer 1995
    The design and implementation of a parallel version of the Cascade 2 neural network training algorithm for use in voice recognition.
  Intel Corp., Programmer Portland, OR
Summer 1994
    Compiler optimizations, tuning, and performance measurement for the Pentium II microprocessor.
  Intel Corp., Programmer Portland, OR
Summer 1992
    Testing and debugging of a parallel programming environment (OS, compilers) for Intel's iWarp supercomputer.
  Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Research Intern (co-op) Ann Arbor, MI
Jan. - August, 1991
    Design and implementation of an autonomous security robot, tutoring software for the visually impaired, and database compression software for an automatic mail-processing system.
Experienced in C, C++, Perl, LISP, MATLAB, HTML/CGI.
  Justsystem Pittsburgh Research Center, Graduate Student Intern, 1996-1999
Graduate Teaching Award, hon. mention, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1996.
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1993--1996.
Departmental Senior Scholar, U. Mich. EECS Dept., 1992
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, U. Mich., 1990
Cooley Writing Contest Award, University of Michigan, 1990
Other Activities
  Growing Bonsai Trees, Painting
Playing Trombone, Building Furniture
Racquetball, Running



L. Douglas Baker ©2000 All Rights Reserved