Honeysuckle #1 -- History

(Date?) I bought this little bush in December of 1996 from a nursery in Michigan. I bought it along with an elm and a fig cutting. (These three are the only trees I ever bought or plan to buy.) This picture is really poor, unfortunately. Honeysuckle are great beginner trees for growing inside. They tolerate a wide temperature range, humidty levels and light levels; cuttings root very easily; new buds form everywhere all the time; and they grow quite quickly.

The next picture shows the tree after its first repotting. I was planning to grow the tree into a wind-swept style over the rock. I have grown the tree into that style, but I don't have it growing over the rock anymore.


February, 1997

Here is a set of design sketches showing what I had planned to do with the tree. I did do that, and recent pictures should be posted here soon.

Design sketch

Design Sketch

Here is a more recent sketch of the trunk and pot.

Sketch of pot and trunk from life