Important Notes to Reference when Interpreting the Graphs and Data in the Excel files: 1. All sensor values are given in hundreds; these are the actual clock ticks returned from each sonar sampling method. To calculate the distances they represent, use the following formula: (2.75 * reading) / 10000 2. All graphs show 91 data points for one or both of the sonar sampling methods (sonar_closeup() or sonar_sample()). In experiments that are sweeping (i.e., moving the servo), each data point represents a 2 degree change in position. This means that reading 0 is at 0 degrees; reading 45 is at 90 degrees, and reading 73 is at 146 degrees. In experiments with no sweeping, each data point was taken at 90 degrees. 3. Each spreadsheet file contains one experiment set. There is one spreadsheet which contains all the data from each run in adjacent columns, which are then each graphed separately. Each graph is on its own chart tab, which you can see at the bottom of the Excel window. The tabs are meant to be named semi-intuitively, but sometimes this is not so easy; other experiments are named better via the titles on their chart. Refer to exp.txt for a list of what each experiment set covers and the important experimental conditions for each one. These should provide a better picture of what each graph represents. Of course, I may not have covered everything; if you have any questions, especially pertaining to reproducibility of these results, feel free to email me at