Quotable Quotes

Quotes by significant others

Sohini Sinha's exasperation:
        "Consider yourself slapped"

Stephen Chen on the Victoria Secret sale: 
        "Kelly, where do you think they cut the 40%?"

"The two factors that matter are .You like what you do
                                 .You like the people u do it with"
-Red on "How does he keep going?"

"What your advisor does should not disgust you and your advisor should
 not disgust you" - Srinivas Akella on Ph.D. selection criteria

"Why does everything have to have a Newtonian solution" - Matt Mason

"two plus two is four"- John Garvey on managing design

Killing trees and drawing pretty pictures ...
        (They pretend to pay us, so we pretend to work.)
-Stephen Chen on grad life

"Of all things you wear, smile is most important."
-Dr. Pai, my Homeopath in Bombay

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."

UnQuotable Quotes by yrs truly

On seeing 40% discount in Victoria Secrets: 
"Excuse me, can i take a rain check? I don't have a woman right now"

On Dante & Erebus: "Dante's mission was not to go down into the volcano and
                    do a jig"

"Immortality is the most widespread hobby and quite fruitless"

"God by definition cannot be of matter, since matter by its infinite 
 entropy could never grasp iteslf, let alone the universe"

"Ripples of joy drown waves of sorrow"

"Silence is tantamount to guilt" - On India's (lack of) lobbying in response
                                   to vitriolism by by others

Robotics : By the dreamers, for the dreamers,
           From concept to reality,
           From here to eternity.

"Reduce and Reuse are foolproof methods of Recycling"

"Those who forget history are bound to repeat it" (- Anonymous)
"Those who dwell on history are consigned to become a part thereof"
- a remark on America's penchant for history, affirmative action, ...

"What i did yesterday always seems so stupid"
- on why it is hard to write papers

The height of obsoletism - Iowa State preserving MS theses in 200 year bond

"Differentiating a person due to any inherited attribute is racism"

Differentiating people on the basis of their ascribed attributes like
color, origin, and genetic make-up is discrimination; Treating people 
on the basis of their abilities and committments is fair; Unfortunately 
current ability and the past are not mutually exclusive and our society 
is locked in a battle against circumstance and limited resource while 
we may do better to create ourselves and resources anew; a concept which 
created all civilizations since dawn
Its all Newton's fault 
- on why there is no Plutonium on the Moon
"Necissity is the mother of implementation, 
 The human spirit is the mother of invention"

Quotes by them wise people

"Men get married when they are tired of experimenting and Women get
married when they are exxcited about experimenting" Oscar W

"Nature imitates art" Oscar W

"San Francisco has only one drawback 
                                        - it's hard to leave..."
  -- Rudyard Kipling 

"Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about"

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent"
        -Salvodor Hardin in Asimov's foundation

"When you decouple a problem and divide it into two,    
  the work is reduced by a factor greater than two"
        -Bjarne Stroustrup on programming (i guess applies to all O(>1) sys

"God does not give you a dream without giving you the power to realize it"
        -Martin Luther King Jr.

"Some people see things that are and ask why,
 some people see things that are not and ask why not"
        -GB Shaw?

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from
 mediocre minds"                -Albert Einstien

"Every idea that has changed civilization started as a single, clear
line of thought that occurs as a flash" - Vanni on his music
