16th-century Spanish Women's Names

by Elsbeth Anne Roth (Kathy Van Stone)

This is a list of some names found in a catalog of passengers from Spain to the Americas from the 16th century. Each name is preceded by its percentage of the total number of names in the catalog processed so far (about 500) and the actual number of citations found.

(< 1%)2Constanza
(< 1%)2Juliana
(< 1%)2Magdalena
(< 1%)2Mayor
(< 1%)2Sancha
(< 1%)1Agueda
(< 1%)1Andrea
(< 1%)1Angela
(< 1%)1Antona
(< 1%)1Barbola
(< 1%)1Clara
(< 1%)1Costanza
(< 1%)1Cristina
(< 1%)1Damiana
(< 1%)1Floriana
(< 1%)1Jerónima
(< 1%)1Melchora
(< 1%)1Olall
(< 1%)1Susana
(< 1%)1Ursula
(< 1%)1Violante

Kathy Van Stone
Last modified: Wed Feb 18 02:37:51 EST