The LARKS Project:
Matchmaking Among Heterogeneous Software Agents


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Table of Contents

Intelligent Software Agents Group at CMU


Some Applications of RETSINA

Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Agents

Solution via Middle Agents

Service Brokering vs. Matchmaking

The LARKS Project

Matchmaking Using LARKS

Specification in LARKS

Example: Specification in LARKS (1)

Example: Specification in LARKS (2)

Example: Terminology, and Concept Language ITL

Example: Matchmaking Using LARKS

Matchmaking Process

Different Matching Modes

Matchmaking Process: Simple Example

Matchmaking Process: Simple Example (cont'd)

Matchmaking Process: Simple Example (cont'd)

Matchmaking Process: Simple Example (cont'd)

Current Implementations of LARKS Project

Implementation: Concept Classifier (Screenshot)

Implementation: Web-Based Interface of Matchmaker (Screenshot)

Matchmaking using LARKS and XML

Some Future Work of the LARKS Project

Authors of Presentation:
Katia Sycara, Matthias Klusch

Home Page: The LARKS Project Home Page