GREENHOUSE ECONOMICS:  Count before you leap

W.D. Nordhaus

 The Economist – July 7, 1990

Careful cost-benefit analysis, not panicky eco-action, is the right answer to the risk of global warming, says William D. Nordhaus, holder of a chair of economics at Yale University and formerly a member of President Carter’s Council of Economic Advisers. 

In the 1970s environmental Jeremiahs foretold economic stagnation caused by exhaustion of energy resources.  Today, scientists instead give warning that excessive burning of fossil fuels threatens the health of the planet.  They may be right – or they may not.  So what should be done about it?

Recent studies have identified four major global environmental risks: acid rain, ozone depletion, deforestation and – the subject of this article – the greenhouse effect.  The essence of this last is that increasing accumulations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases are preventing the planet dissipating heat, and so threaten to change the climate. 

To date, the policy cart has been careering far in front of the scientific horse.  Presidents convene climate conclaves.  Prime ministers declaim on the need to reduce CO2 emissions.  Even a distinguished international panel of scientists, who should know better, calls for a 60% cut in these emissions.  Yet, like most declarations of war, these calls to arms against global warming have been made without an attempt to weigh the costs and benefits of restraints. 

Let us look instead at the economics of climate change, the possibilities of a sensible compromise between the need for economic growth and the desire for environmental protection. 

The scientific background

Scientists have suspected for more than a century that increasing CO2 concentrations would alter the climate.  As CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” accumulate in the atmosphere, they act like a blanket to insulate the planet and warm its surface. 

Scientific monitoring has firmly established the build-up of the main greenhouse gases – CO2, methane, nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).  Not all greenhouse gases, however, are created equal.  CO2 – which comes mainly from the burning of fossil fuels, of which coal produces the most carbon per unit of heat – has been and will be mankind’s largest contribution to global warming. 

Relying on climate models and historical temperature records, scientists believe that the earth’s average surface temperature will rise by from 1˚ to 4˚ Celsius over the next century.  Polar regions are likely to warm more than the tropics.  The warmer climate will increase rainfall, and some models foresee hotter and drier climates in mid-continental regions, such as the American grain-belt. 

Most discussion of climate change focuses on globally averaged surface temperature.  Yet this variable has little direct economic importance.  Variables like rainfall, water levels and flows, and extremes of droughts or freezes tend to dominate the human impacts of climate change.  Models, alas, are unreliable in forecasting these changes. 

Much is conjectural in such forecasting, and few climate modelers expect to improve their forecasts dramatically in the near future.  Measures to cope with the threat of greenhouse warming will have to live with these uncertainties. 

The impact of climate change

If climate change itself is terra infirma, the social and economic impacts of such change are terra incognita.  In any attempt to assess them, the main factor to recognize is that the climate has little economic impact upon advanced industrial societies.  Humans thrive in a wide variety of climatic zones.  Cities are increasingly becoming climate-proofed by technological changes like air-conditioning and shopping malls. 

On the whole, thanks to technological changes, people now tend to move toward warmer regions in North America and Europe.  Climate warming will probably be a boon to Alaska, which is America’s least productive state in GNP per square mile. 

Studies of the impact of global warming on the United States and other developed regions find that the most vulnerable areas are those dependent on unmanaged ecosystems – on naturally occurring rainfall, run-off and temperatures, and the extremes of these variables.  Agriculture, forestry and coastal activities fall into this category. 

Most economic activity in industrialized countries, however, depends very little on the climate.  Intensive-care units of hospitals, underground mining, science laboratories, communications, heavy manufacturing and microelectronics are among the sectors likely to be unaffected by climatic change.  In selecting whether to set up in, say, Hong Kong or in Warsaw, few businesses will consider temperature a weighty factor. 

Greenhouse warming would have little effect on America’s national output.  About 3% of American GNP originates in climate-sensitive sectors such as farming and forestry.  Another 10% comes from sectors only modestly sensitive – energy, water systems, property and construction.  Far the largest share, 87%, comes from sectors, including most services, that are negligibly affected by climate change. 

What are the likely effects on individual industries?  Recent studies for advanced countries suggest that: 

·  Agriculture is the most climate-sensitive of the main sectors.  But farmers have historically shown great ability to adapt to different climatic zones and to changing environmental conditions.  Studies suggest that greenhouse warming will reduce yields in many crops, but the associated fertilization effect of higher CO2 will probably offset any climatic harm over the next century. 

·  Other parts of the economy will feel mixed impacts.  Greenhouse warming will increase the demand for space cooling, for instance, but decrease the demand for space heating.  Construction, in temperate climates, will be favorably affected, because the weather will be warm for more of the year.  In recreation, snow skiing will be hurt, but water skiing will benefit.  For the bulk of the economy, however – manufacturing, mining, utilities, finance, trade and most services – climate change over the next few decades is likely to have less effect than the economic reunification of Germany this summer. 

·  Many valuable goods and services escape the net of national-income accounting.  Among the areas of importance are human health, biological diversity, amenity values of everyday life and leisure, and environmental quality.  No one has done the sums here, so it is impossible to say whether the cost of climate change will be large or small.  But every time I read of a new deadly tropical virus, I wonder whether humanity could do with a little less biodiversity. 

·  Recent studies indicate acceleration in sea-level rise of about one foot (with a large margin of uncertainty) over the next century.  Land will be lost to the sea and some areas will need protection.  Studies indicate that protecting coasts from sea-level rise will not be expensive.  One study indicates that to protect all the river deltas of the world against a three-foot sea level rise would cost .04% of world output over the next century. 

Less is known about the impacts of climate change on the third world.  Developing countries are more vulnerable to greenhouse warming than are advanced ones.  In the world’s low-income countries, with a total population of about 3 billion, one-third of GNP originates in agriculture.  Given the vulnerability of farming to climate change, the risks are worrisome.  On the other hand, the fertilization due to higher levels of CO2 could well offset the damage. 

In sum, the impacts of climate change on developed countries are likely to be small, probably amounting to less than 1% of national income over the next half-century.  In contrast, small and poor countries with large agricultural sectors are particularly vulnerable.

A choice of responses

Or maybe not.  All these prognostications are judgments based on immense uncertainties.  They could be dead wrong.  This uncertainty must affect mankind’s choice of responses to the threat of global warming.  The options are many.  The main ones are: action to prevent greenhouse warming; climatic engineering to offset it; or adapting lifestyles and economies to it. 

· Prevention has received the greatest public attention.  How much should economic growth be slowed down to prevent uncertain climate change in the distant future?  A rational answer to this question depends upon the costs of reducing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.  Three cases have been analyzed: reducing CFC emissions, reforestation, and various steps to reduce CO2 emissions. 

Reducing or phasing out production of CFCs would be particularly beneficial: on top of their other harmful effects, these are extremely powerful greenhouse gases. 

Some have proposed using trees as a method of removing carbon from the atmosphere.  Slowing or stopping tropical deforestation is highly cost-effective in slowing greenhouse warming; having school children plant billions of trees would probably do more for civic virtues than for the climate. 

Any large programme to cut emissions of greenhouse gases will require a significant reduction in the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal.  CO2 emissions can be reduced through a wide variety of measures, from energy conservation to new technologies. 

Energy studies indicate that 10% or perhaps 20% reductions in CO2 emissions can in the long run be attained at modest costs.  However, further reductions would be extremely costly.  There are simply no substitutes for many of today’s uses of fossil fuels.  Try to drive to the next town, or jet to Japan, after fossil fuels have been phased out. 

The graph above shows an estimate of the cost of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.  A small amount can be eliminated at low cost.  But then the effort rapidly hits diminishing returns.  I estimate that the 60% reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions recently called for by a panel of government scientists, if efficiently engineered and phased in slowly, would cost over $300 billion annually in today’s world. 

The graph below sketches, for rich countries, the trade-off between economic growth and slowing emissions.  The upper curve shows the trade-off if emission-cutting policies are efficient – international carbon taxes, say – and introduced gradually.  The middle path assumes similar policies but a rapid phase-in that gets rid of existing energy capital over a period of only 20 years.  The bottom curve shows the combined effect of inefficient policies – say, sector-by-sector regulation – and a rapid phase-in.  In sum, a substantial cut in emissions can be achieved at modest cost, if it is done efficiently and gradually; if it is done inefficiently and quickly, the cost would be heavy.  The curves are a warning of the price of any rush into fierce cuts, let alone a badly managed one. 

· The option of climatic engineering has been completely neglected.  Possibilities include shooting particulate matter into the stratosphere to cool the earth, altering land-use patterns to change the globe’s reflectivity, and cultivating carbon-eating organisms in the oceans.  Though such measures would raise profound legal, ethical and environmental issues, they would also probably be far more cost-effective than shutting down the world’s power plants. 

· A third option is to adapt to the warmer climate.  This would take place gradually on a decentralized basis through the automatic response of people and institutions, or through markets, as the climate warms and the oceans rise.  In addition, governments can prevent harmful climatic impacts by land-use regulations or investments in research on living in a warmer climate. 

Adaptation will, in any event, be a necessary strategy for coping with climate change.  But most of it can wait for a few decades until the changes actually begin. 

Uncertainty, catastrophe and learning

How should uncertainty be folded into the analysis?  Two particular aspects of uncertainty might change the timing or stringency of policies: the risk of catastrophe, and learning. 

Climate systems are complex, non-linear systems, rife with mathematical chaos.  Climatologists suspect the future may hold qualitative changes that are not predicted by their models.  Catastrophic changes in climate cannot be ruled out.  Potential calamities include surges of icecaps, leading to a rise in sea level of 20 feet or more in a few centuries; drastic shifts in North Atlantic ocean currents that would freeze Europe; invasions of bugs into new terrain; and large-scale desertification of the current grain-belts of the world.  Geological history is filled with odd events. 

Depending on fossil fuels is like relying on nuclear weapons.  Mankind will probably muddle along and cope with its diverse problems, but there is a chance that greenhouse warming will trigger some cataclysmic climatic event.  A vague premonition of some potential future disaster is, however, insufficient grounds to plunge the world into depression, particularly when it faces present challenges and perils aplenty.  But if scientists can identify the probability of catastrophic risks, people and governments can then rationally decide how much “climate insurance” to buy. 

The threat of unforeseen calamity argues for more aggressive action against greenhouse gases than a straightforward economic analysis would suggest.  On the other hand, the likelihood that further scientific analysis will resolve climatic uncertainties suggests postponing action until knowledge is more secure.  The best investment today may be learning about climate change rather than preventing it.

What now?

So what should be done today to respond to the threat of global warming over the next century?  I suggest the following portfolio of measures:

 · International co-operation.  It is essential to remember that climatic change is a global issue.  Efficient policies will involve steps by all countries.  In order to induce international co-operation, affluent nations will need to expand the concept of foreign aid to include subsidizing environmental improvement by poor nations.  Unilateral action may be better than nothing, but concerted action is better still. 

· Better information.  Scientists must improve their understanding of greenhouse warming.  More monitoring of the global environment and analysis of past climatic records is needed.  So is a better understanding of the economic and social impacts of past and possible future climate change.  Understanding of climate change has improved enormously over the past two decades.  Further research will sharpen pencils for the tough decisions to be made in the future. 

· New technologies.  Governments should support research and development of new technologies that will slow climate change, particularly in the energy sector.  Energy technologies that replace fossil fuel use deserve government support.  A bolder step would be for brave political leaders to launch an international Manhattan Project to develop safe nuclear power.  Research on climate engineering may well be the best investment. 

· “No regretpolicies.  There are countless measures that would be beneficial on other grounds and would also tend to slow global warming.  These steps include efforts to strengthen international agreements that severely restrict CFCs, moves to slow uneconomic deforestation, and steps to slow the uneconomic use of fossil fuels. 

· Carbon taxes.  A final policy would be to impose environmental taxes or “fees” on the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon taxes on CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.  Recent economic analyses suggest that a tax in the order of $5-10 per ton of CO2 equivalent would be a reasonable insurance premium to pay, given the risks to mankind.  A carbon tax would be preferable to regulatory intervention, because taxes can harness markets to minimize the costs of slowing climate change and would strengthen the incentive to develop new technologies. 

Like other religions, the environmental movement needs a catechism of homilies.  If I could write one to be read at eco-gatherings, it might go as follows: 

The threat of climate change is uncertain.  It may fade away or succumb to a cheap engineering solution.  Or it might conceivably prove ruinous.  But we face many perils.  And humans have shown the capacity to inflict great harm on themselves through ill-designed schemes, as this century’s socialist experiment clearly shows.  Therefore move cautiously, gather information and use markets wherever possible.