Some Links

Computer Vision and Machine Learning 

Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Face Detection, Face Recognition
Machine learning at CMUWhizbang! seminars, Resources, NIPS

SVM Bell Labs, Kernel machines, UCI ML repository, Aha ML page
SOM research, Colt,, Google machine learning
Statistical learning glossary, Learning theory links, GP
Bow, Webkb
ASA, IMS, RSS,Likasy, Bayesian model averaging, Bootstrap class, MCMC preprints
Wavelet, More wavelet, Brani's page, Wavelet and watermarking
Entropy on the www, Information theory society
Permutations Resources, google group theory
FFT on Groups, Symmetric Representations, Representations Atlas

OTC, Quasi Newton slides, SQP, Glossary, Opt online

NLP, Speech and Language Modeling

Software tools, Stanford NLP, CMU speech

Grammatical Inference, NTL, LFG

Tools and Books

University Library, Cameo, SCS Linux page, Gnome, Linux Howtos

Tex catalogue, CTAN, Yogi Latex page, some tips and tricks, Latex and Tex,LaTex Help, Bibtex for emacs, AUC Tex,, emacs manual

Unix Reference Desk, Unix Programming FAQs, UNIX Tips

C++ Tutorials  Standard Template Library, libbook, numerics, gnu scientific lib, C++ FAQ Lite

JDK DocumentationJava FAQ Archives, Java Documentation, Java FAQCGI Programming 101,  Active Server PageOO Programming Information, Debugging with GDB, practical perl programming, Leeds tutorialU. Florida Perl archiveUIUC Perl, Picking up Perl, Perl tutorial links,TclTK

Helpdesk, Matlab software, Matlab contributions , Matlinks, Jacklam utils, Netlab, Mathtools, NAG, Netlib

InformIT Free Library, iBook, Electric Press,  Free C/C++ Books    


Internet and Search

Google, Cora, CiteSeer, vivisimo, Altavista, WebCrawler, Yahoo, Lycos, wos
Best E Deal Price Search Engine 

Yahoo maps, MapQuestunits,, orbitz
units, exchage rates, weather

search books at amazon, weather,, epinion, CNet

E-Britannica, Dictionary, Babelfish, Webster, English-Chinese Dictionary

CNN, New York Times, Economist, Universal Library, Classic Literature, Ansel Adams Gallery, NASA Satellite Pictures 

UC movies, CMU bus schedule, PAT