Robustness Analysis for the Maximum Unit Change Parameter (c)

Below are the results on the biological data with 50 model profiles for values c=1,2, and 3. For all three values of c tested either 9 or 10 of the 50 profiles are significant. By visual inspection one can observe that the significant profiles (the colored ones) have similar patterns for all three values of c. Of the 2243 genes passing filter, 1255, 1306, and 1352 genes were assigned to significant profiles with c=1,2, and 3 respectively. Of the 1255 genes assigned to a significant profile with c=1, 1058 (84%) were also assigned to a significant profile with c=2. Of the 1058 genes assigned to a significant profile with c=1 and c=2, 1014 (96%) were also assigned to a significant profile with c=3.

  • The 50 model profiles with c=1:
  • The 50 model profiles with c=2:

  • The 50 model profiles with c=3: