Plan compilation home page
Traditional AI planners have typically done very little compilation of
a planning problem. Recently,
several techniques for compiling planning problems have been developed
and applied with great success. At the AIPS 98 planning conference
every competing
planner did some form of plan compilation. However, all of these
planners used different compilation techniques. The goal of this web
page is to work as a central repository for these compiling planners
and promote sharing of the techniques used.
Here are several of the planners:
- GraphPlan was the first compiling
planner by Avrim Blum and
Merrick Furst. New features included: compiling onto a graph, parallel
operators, and propagating pairwise constraints through the graph.
source: local,
- BlackBox by
Henry Kautz and
Bart Selman compiles onto a SAT representation
then uses fast SAT solvers such as walksat to solve the planning problem.
source: local,
- HSP by Blai Bonet and Hector Geffner
automatically generates a heuristic function to bias search. For speed, the
heuristic function is generated in C, compiled, and linked in before
the search begins. source: local
- IPP by
Jana Koehler and several
others has made many improvements to representation and extended the language for
describing problems.
source: local,
Sensory Graphplan (SGP) by Corin Anderson and
Dan Weld is a rewrite of graphplan
in lisp with some extensions and modifications.
by Maria Fox and
Derek Long
has improved the underlying graph representation, improved
the set representation, and uses type inferencing methods to prune the
search space.
Jana Koehler did
analysis of the results of the AIPS 98 planning competition.