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I hope to complete this thesis in a little over a year. Here is my target schedule:

Jan 96
Basic research: ROUT (done)
Mar 96
Basic research: optimization as MDP; STAGE (done)
May 96
Develop initial codebase with applications: VLSI channel routing; 2-D radiotherapy treatment planning (done)
Jun 96
Jul 96
Application focus: factory scheduling
Aug 96
Work on algorithm refinements
Sep 96
Application focus: 3-D radiotherapy treatment planning
Oct 96
Application focus: spacecraft configuration (at JPL)
Nov 96
Finalize algorithms
Dec 96
Write release-quality software
Feb 97
Gather experimental results
May 97
Write dissertation
Aug 97

This thesis and timeline face several risks. First, real applications inevitably introduce thorny issues and software complexity. Fortunately, the simulation software for all of the major domains but one (NASA) is already implemented, and the NASA implementation is to be done by a colleague at JPL. Second, some of the algorithms I have proposed to investigate are quite CPU-intensive. Thoroughly evaluating the cross-product of algorithms tex2html_wrap_inline1854 domains is out of the question; I will have to judiciously choose the subset of experiments that answers the most interesting questions.

Justin A. Boyan
Sat Jun 22 20:49:48 EDT 1996