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Postdoctoral researcher at Language Technologies Institute in CMU
I am working with Jaime Carbonell on GALE project


Office: 4606 Newell-Simon Hall
Phone: +1-412-334-7264
Fax: +1-412-268-6298
Email: My email address
                Mailing Address:
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
4606 Newell Simon Hall, LTI
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-8213


Information Retrieval, Text Mining, and Natural Language Processing



  • Post Doc. Researcher
    Language Technologies Institute in CMU, 2006.01 - present
    GALE(Global Autonomous Language Exploitation) program is to improve timeliness and quality of information
    available to the warfighters and those that support them via a single, comprehensive system that supports
    transcription, translation and distillation of multiple languages in text and audio formats.
    I am working on distillation part now.
  • Senior Researcher
    Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, S. Korea, 2004.02 - 2005.12
    Develop a spoken command analysis model for Smart Home system. Design a model that searches and 
    clusters media files in a MP3 player.



  • Search Engine
    Condor Search Engine - LTI CMU, 2001
    Develop an object manager and a cache manager.
    Evaluate and designed a ranking algorithm.
    Optimize an English stemmer and a Korean stemmer
  • URL Search System
    Jumbyul and Arrow Search - HOWNY©, S. Korea, 1999 - 2001
    Develop a plug-in and a server application that translates a user-typed
    Korean domain name into an original URL and searches relevant domain names
  • Machine Translation System
    English-to-Korean MT for Korean Air Force Military Intelligence, 1997 - 1999
    Design and program a prepositional phrase attachment model, an acronym
    extraction module, and a parenthetical expression processing module.
    Program a user interface of the machine translation system
  • Korean Part-of-Speech Tagger
    Take part in Morphological Analysis and Tagger Evaluation Contest (MATEC), 1999



  • Papers
  • Patents


  • Ph.D.  Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejon, S. Korea, 2004
  • M.S.  Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejon, S. Korea, 1999
  • B.S. Computer Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, S. Korea, 1997


    Updated on March 20, 2007.
    My email address
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