Homework 1 - Due: Tuesday Feb. 5, 1:30pm,
in class.
Problem Description. Retrieve the following tables and load them in a DBMS of your choice: MS-Access is recommended, but any other is acceptable (eg., MySQL, postgres, etc). Caution: The ASCII data files have windows end-of-line termination. For unix/linux use "dos2unix" to convert them.
The tables are comma-separated ASCII files. Note that in ‘Rating’ table, we have omitted the user-id. So, you might find that some movies have been rated multiple times with the same rating. The rating values range from 1 to 5 (5 being the best). Answer the following queries:
Q.1.1. [5 pts] List all movie titles where “Tom Cruise” has played.
Q.1.2. [5 pts] List the title of popular movies, that is, whose rating is great than 4 (>4) as well as their average ratings. Order the results by their average rating (from highest to lowest).
Clarification: we want to find the title as well
as the average rating for those popular movies. And here, a popular movie is
defined as the one whose average rating is great than 4.
Q.1.3. [10 pts] List the actors (first_name, last_name) and titles of movies, which are produced before 1960 and whose type is 'TV'.
Q.1.4. [10 pts] List the actors (first_name, last_name) as well as their genders, who have played in those well discussed movies, that is, which have been rated more than 3 times (>3). Note that, here the actual ratings do not matter. So a movie that has been rated 4 times, and each time it receives a rating of 1 will still qualify.
What to hand in: for each query give
(1) the resulting tables [half of the points] and
the hardcopy of the corresponding SQL statement [half
of the points].
Fun fact: this is closely related to the NetFlix prize, which is $1M (see http://www.netflixprize.com/index).
Q.2.1. Problem description (1-dimensional case): given a region (= segment) in 1-dimension (xlow, xhigh), break it into some homogeneous regions (i.e. one number, which consists of 1/0/*, for one such region). Here, xlow, and xhigh will be binary strings with n bits, assuming that xlow is always less or equal than xhigh. Write a program 'zrange_1d' in your favorite language that will do this job. For example, (with the usual unix/linux convention, that ‘%’ is the promp and ‘#’ is the comment symbol)
% ./zrange_1d 00 11 #xlow xhigh
Here, the answer ‘**’ means that it covers the whole region, which is the interval from 0 (=002) to 3 (=112). Another example is,
% ./zrange_1d 010 111 #xlow xhigh
Notice that in this example, the program returns two pieces and each of them is 3 characters long, indicating that the original region (010, 111) consists of two homogeneous regions.
Q.2.2. Problem description (2-dimensional case): now, consider the case of
2-dimensional space. We want to break a range query (xlow, xhigh
, ylow , yhigh), into z-values. Write a program 'zrange_2d ' in your favorite language
that will do this job. Again, the four input numbers are n bits long, with the
xlow is less or equal than xhigh, and the ylow,
is less or equal than yhigh.
For example,
% ./zrange_2d 00 11
00 11 #xlow xhigh ylow yhigh
This means that we cover the whole area and the output has 4 ‘don’t-care’ (‘*’) characters.
% ./zrange_2d
0100 1100 0100 1100 #xlow xhigh
ylow yhigh
Observation #1: we consider ‘1110010*’ as a legitimate z-value despite the fact that it is not a square
Observation #2: ‘*’ in the middle is not allowed.
Observation #3: The z-value for the (x=0,y=1) cell is 1 in decimal.
Q.2.3. Given a 8×8
grid, we want to find out the region (xlow, xhigh , ylow , yhigh) that has largest number of zvalues. List the qualifying (xlow, xhigh , ylow
, yhigh) as
well as the count of its zvalues. If there is a tie, any answer is fine.
What to hand in:
[16 pts] Hard copy of your program's output on the
[5 pts] Hard copy of the source code for Q.2.1 and Q.2.2.
[5 pts] Email a tarfile of your source code for Q.2.1 and Q.2.2 to the TA (htong at cs). Please
include just the source code and not the binaries.
[4 pts] List the qualifying (xlow,
xhigh , ylow , yhigh) as well as the count of its zvalues. If there is a tie, any answer is
Q.3.1 Problem
Description. Consider the k-d-tree
package, in
C, (tar xvf; make). You are required to implement ‘w’ for
dra(w)ing the current space partition that is used by k-d-tree. For example, if
you insert these
three data points (each
row is a 2-d data point) into the k-d-tree, you program should return the
following figure:
For this sub-problem,
you can assume that all data points are located within a rectangle, where
x_low=y_low = 0; and x_high=y_high = 256.
What to Hand in:
[10 pts ] the plot of space partition that is used by k-d-tree if you insert the
following points into
the tree (each row is a 2d point);
[10 pts] the plot of space partition that is used by k-d-tree if you insert the
following points into
the tree (each row is a 2d point);
[5 pts] the hard copy of your source code (please give only the parts that
you have added/ modified). Email
the tar-ball to htong at cs. Please make sure that the program correctly
compiles with make.
Q.3.2. According to
Bentley in 1975, the search time in a d-dimensional
space is empirically expected to be O(log(n)), where n is the size of the dataset. The purpose of this sub-problem is to
verify this claim, and to compare the search time of k-d-trees against the time
for sequential scanning. You are
asked to randomly generate n data
points in 2d space; then, find the nearest neighbor to each of the following data
points (each row
is a data point) by k-d-tree; and compare the search time with sequential scan.
For sequential scan, if your machine is too low, you are allowed to only find
the nearest neighbor to the first data point. Make sure that you *EXCLUDE* the
time to construct the k-d-tree.
What to Hand in:
[10 pts], report plot (the search time vs. the size of the dataset) for the
two methods, where the size of the dataset n=1,000,000; 2,000,000; 4,000,000;
8,000,000; 16,000, 000. For each n,
run the experiment 10 times and report the mean search time and the 1 standard
deviation. Also, report the same plot in log-log scales.
[5 pts] the hard copy of your script which generates the above curve.
the results should be run on a dedicated machine.
If your
machine is too slow, scale down the size of the dataset n by a factor of 10
(that is n=100,000; 200,000; 400,000; 800,000; 1,600,000).
You can use
gnuplot, excel, matlab (or anything else you prefer to) to generate the plot.
For example, you can use the command ‘errorbar’ in matlab to plot the mean search time as well as its standard
You can use
a profiler to find the CPU/running time, or the function clock() in C
(and, of course, #include
<time.h> )