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User Representation Learning for Social ComputationFrom 2015.3 to 2015.6

Supervised by Prof. Maosong Sun and RA Zhiyuan Liu
  • Explored Sina Weibo users' social networks by revised DEEPWALK algorithm.
  • Applied Multiple Word Embedding techniques in the study of Sina Weibo user sequences.
  • Represented multiple attributes of each user in vector space.
  • Found out Sina Weibo users' real social circles with the help of their attribute vectors.

Analysis of Sina Weibo users' Attributes From 2014.9 to 2015.1

Supervised by Prof. Maosong Sun and RA Zhiyuan Liu
  • Collected around 6TB blog articles and user information of Sina Weibo by its API.
  • Performed statistical analysis on about 6TB data with the help of Hadoop.
  • Analyzed First Person Pronoun Use in Weibo Texts.
  • Revealed the correlation between individualism/collectivism orientation and user's gender & economic development level of a region.

An iOS App concerning OCR and Translation From 2013.7 to 2014.4

Supervised by Prof. Li Guo
  • Designed framework of the iOS App, including UI and other basic functions.
  • Applied Google's Tesseract OCR in the App.
  • Completed the programming of simplified and traditional Chinese characters conversion.
  • Presented the App at the exhibition of innovation projects.

Professional Skills


  • Java
  • C/C++
  • Objective-C


  • eclipse
  • Visual Studio
  • Xcode
  • IntelliJ IDEA


Carnegie Mellon UniversityFrom 2015.8 to Present

Master of Science

Now, I am a first year MIIS (Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems) student in Language Technologies Institute of School of Computer Science. My courses of first semester include Machine Learning, Search Engines and Algorithms for NLP.

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications From 2011.9 to 2015.7

Bachelor of Engineering

I got my B.Eng. degree in BUPT. And my major is Information Engineering. At BUPT, I selected many foundational courses concerning computer science, such as Data Structures, Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning and Web Search Engine. And my undergraduate GPA is 3.7/4.0.