Garth Zeglin: Art Advising and Technology Consulting

My first serious art activities involved consulting with artists to provide advice on how to implement their ideas with technology within their abilities. This was definitely a two-way street, I have learned much from these discussions about how to approach art questions.

I have since become focussed on trying to apply this experience to work of my own but still occasionally get involved in a project as a technologist, although mostly in the context of Rossum's.

Takehito Etani: Pimp My Heart

In 2006 I served on the MFA committee for Takehito Etani at Carnegie Mellon.

Critical Art Ensemble: Genterra

In 2001 I served as a robotics consultant to the Critical Art Ensemble for the Genterra project. I also participated in the first performance at le Magasin Centre National d'Art Contemporain in Grenoble, France.

Beatriz da Costa: Cello

In 2001 I served as a robotics consultant to artist Beatriz da Costa during development of a robotic cello, titled "Cello".

Heidi Kumao: Lullaby

In 2000 I was a technical advisor to artist Heidi Kumao for the kinetic sculpture Lullaby, as well as early prototypes of Monitor I.

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Garth Zeglin, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.