From Kevin Donnelly: I have attached our week 1 report. We did not get much of the coding done that we hoped to get done this week, however I believe we have the theory down, we have an inverse method and an attempt at soundness and completeness proofs. For next week we hope to be done with our original week 1 plan i.e. some concrete steps towards a focusing method for BI, a completed or at least mostly completed intuitionistic propositional focusing method implementation, and a decent start on implementing our inverse method for BI. We also hope to have decided the final scope of our project. At this point we believe that our final goal will be either just a focusing inverse method for propositional BI or one that also adds intuitionistic (additive) quantification depending on how hard the bare propositional case is. We think its unlikely we will be able to implement one with both quantifiers by the end of the term.