Accomplishments for week ending 4/9/04 (Don Smith): I added propositional proof terms to (focussing+Dyckhoff's) as well as to (the focussing only prover). When a proof is found, the code checks that the propositional proof terms are valid. This code works. I've added first-order proof terms to both provers but I haven't yet modified check/3 and syn/2 in to handle first-order proof terms. That will take some thought. I added to support for first order formulas (using '$existential_variable'/2 and '$parameter'/1). For I haven't yet found an intuitionistic formula in which it behaves incorrectly (though it takes so long on some intutitionistic theorems that I gave up waiting). I've added support for first-order formulas to, but there are still bugs with that code. I wrote a procedure to do the Godel-Gentzen negative translation, thereby providing a large set of examples: any first-order theorem can now be converted into an intuitionistic theorem. The "Pelletier formulas" (provided with LeanTap) are first-order theorems, apparently, and so far has successfully proven some of them (slow!!!). See for the Pelletier formulas. See for the negative translation procedure. I also fixed some bugs in unification. Made lots of utilities for checking syntax and for converting syntax from LeanTap format to the more restricted internal format of the provers.