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10 A Typical Session

We assume you are in Emacs, visiting an Elf source file in Elf mode. The most commonly used commands when you browse some files are:

M-x elf-server-configure   ; select default CONFIG
C-c C-c                    ; type-check and load current configuration
C-x C-f examples.quy       ; visit example query file
C-c C-e                    ; execute current query

If you are developing your own code, you should set up your own CONFIG file and add to it as you go along. For writing Elf code, you should consider the syntax highlighting which you can enabe from the Menu bar in XEmacs (but at present not in FSF Gnu Emacs). In addition to the commands above, you will likely need the following.

Tab                        ; smart indent line
C-c C-s                    ; type-check and load current file only
C-c C-d                    ; type-check current declaration only
C-c `                      ; goto next error location in source
C-c C-i                    ; interrrupt Elf server
