15-317 Constructive Logic

  • There are 8 homework assignments, worth a total of 450 points
  • There is a miniproject, worth 150 points
  • Assignments generally are released on Thursday and are due the following Thursday before the midsemester break, and released on Tuesday and due on Tuesday after the midsemester break
  • Assignments may require use of the course software and/or a write-up
  • We recommend LaTeX for typesetting written assignments, but we accept legible handwritten solutions
  • We will post LaTeX source for sample lecture notes, using proof-dashed.sty for deductions (including those with dashed lines for admissible rules)
  • Assignments must be submitted via Gradescope
  • You have up to 5 late days to use throughout the semester
  • If you need more than 2 late days on any given assignment, you must notify the instructors
  • We will try our best to return graded homework within one week of its due date
Out Assignment LaTeX Due Solution

Thu Jan 26 Asst 1: Natural Deduction [PDF only] [LaTeX sample]   Thu Feb 2 sample solution  
Thu Feb 2 Asst 2: Proofs as Programs [PDF only]   Thu Feb 9 sample solution  
Thu Feb 9 Asst 3: Sequent Calculus [PDF only]   Thu Feb 16 sample solution  
Thu Feb 16 Asst 4: Cut Elimination [PDF only] [LaTeX sample]   Thu Feb 23 sample solution  

Tue Mar 14 Asst 5: Continuations & Arithmetic [PDF only]   Tue Mar 21 sample solution  
Tue Mar 21 Asst 6: Deciding Propositional Logic [PDF only]   Tue Mar 28 sample solution  

Tue Mar 28 Miniprojects [PDF only]   Tue Apr 4 (checkpoint)  
  Tue Apr 11 (final submission)  
Tue Apr 15 Asst 7/8: Logic Programming [PDF only]   Tue Apr 25 sample solution  

Homework assignments in this course are individual assignments. The work must be your own. Do not copy any parts of the solution from anyone, and do not look at other students' solutions. Do not make any parts of your solutions available to anyone and make sure no one else can read your files. We will rigorously apply the university policy on academic integrity and plagiarism.

It is permissible to discuss assignment problems or other course material in general terms, but such discussions must stop short of discussing solutions to assignment problems. It is also permissible (in fact, encouraged!) to clarify vague points in assignments, discuss course material from notes or lectures, and to give help in using the course software such as proof checkers or compilers. You may use web search for general background and information, but you may not consult answers that may be available for the specific questions asked in the assignments.

You may do the miniprojects by yourself or with a partner. More details on specific miniproject policies as the miniproject options are released.

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Frank Pfenning