My name is Flávio Cruz. I was raised in Viseu, Portugal but I'm actually living in Pittsburgh, USA.
As a researcher, I am interested on Logic Programming, Distributed Systems, Compilers and Logic. I'm currently working towards my PhD in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and University of Porto.
That's me.
You can reach me at "flaviocruz at gmail" or by phone (+351) 934 908 448 (Portugal) or 412 736 8032 (USA).
- From Ensembles to Parallel and Distributed Programming. Flávio Cruz, Michael P. Ashley-Rollman, Seth Copen Goldstein, Ricardo Rocha. 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. (Submitted)
- Extending Call by Subsumption With Retroactive Evaluation. Flávio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. (In Preparation)
- A Simple Table Space Design for Retroactive Call Subsumption. Flávio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2011), Springer-Verlag, LNAI. Lisboa, Portugal, October 2011.
- Single Time Stamped Tries for Retroactive Call Subsumption. Flavio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. Proceedings of the 11th Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and LOgic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2011). Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Efficient Instance Retrieval of Subgoals for Subsumptive Tabled Evaluation of Logic Programs. Flavio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. 27th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2011). Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Retroactive Subsumption-Based Tabled Evaluation of Logic Programs. Flavio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2010), Springer-Verlag. Helsinki, Finland, September 2010.
- Efficient Retrieval of Subsumed Subgoals in Tabled Logic Programs. Flavio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. 4th International Conference on Compilers, Programming Languages, Related Technologies and Applications (CoRTA 2010). Braga, Portugal, September 2010.
- Call Subsumption Mechanisms for Tabled Logic Programs. Flavio Cruz. MSc in Informatics and Computing Engineering, Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Portugal, June 2010.
- BioSeD - Biological Sequences Database. Flavio Cruz. Technical Report. Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology. 2009.
- CL-Meld, a compiler for the Meld Programming Language written in Common Lisp.
- Meld VM, a virtual machine for the Meld language.
- Solutions for all the exercises of the Software Foundations book by Benjamin Pierce. All the proofs are written in Coq and a few chapters are still missing.
- CL-Pi-Calculus, an interpreter for a language based on the π-calculus.
Other stuff
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