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Competition Programming:
Problem Set 10

Problem A: Choice of hotels

When the organizers of the International Programming Competition reserve hotels for the teams, they select hotels within walking distance from the competition site. Your task is to write a program that helps to identify these hotels on a city map.


The input is a city map, which includes streets, their intersections, and hotel locations; all streets are two-way, all hotels are located on street intersections, and no two hotels are on the same intersection. The first input line contains four positive integers, n, m, k, and d, separated by single spaces: The next m lines represent streets, one street per line; the description of a street includes three integers, separated by single spaces, where the first two integers are the intersections connected by this street, and the third is the street length. For example, the line "2 4 10" describes a street between intersections 2 and 4, the length of which is 10. The intersection numbers are between 1 and n, and the street lengths are between 1 and 1,000. Finally, the last k lines represent hotels, one hotel per line; the description of a hotel includes an integer and a string of lower-case letters, with a single space between the integer and the string. The integer is an intersection number, and the string is the name of the hotel on this intersection, which contains between 1 and 10 letters. We assume that the competition site is located on intersection 1, and thus we are looking for hotels within distance d from intersection 1.


If the map includes no hotels within distance d from the competition site, the output is the string "No hotels"; else, the output is the list of all such hotels in the alphabetical order, one hotel per line.

Sample input

4 4 3 10
1 2 10
1 3 20
2 4 30
3 4 40
1 motel
2 hotel
4 inn

Sample output


Problem B: Star Trek Optimization

The crew of the Starship Enterprise has received the task to terraform the planets in a recently discovered solar system. The terraforming of a planet is a reasonably simple operation, which involves dropping a pack with special bacteria onto its surface. These bacteria feed on inorganic materials and produce breathable air; they quickly multiply until covering the entire planet, and eventually produce enough air to make it inhabitable. Since bacteria cannot travel in space among planets, the terraforming usually requires a pack for every planet; however, the planets in this system have a unique property that allows the use of fewer packs. Specifically, some planets are connected by wormholes, which are one-way hyperspatial corridors that allow bacteria to move between planets. If a planet has a wormhole leading to another planet, and the bacteria terraform the first planet, then they eventually spread through the wormhole to the second planet and terraform it as well. Note that a wormhole is a one-way path, which does not allow bacteria to spread in the opposite direction. Since terraforming packs are valuable and the process of dropping them is time-consuming, the crew needs to determine the minimal required number of packs. Your task is to write a program that helps with this task.


The input is a map of the solar system, which includes planets and wormholes between them. The first line contains two positive integers, n and m, separated by a single space; n is the number of planets, which is between 2 and 100,000, and m is the number of wormholes, which is between 1 and 1,000,000. The next m lines represent wormholes, one per line; the description of a wormhole includes two distinct integers between 1 and n, separated by a single space, where the first integer is the planet at the beginning of the wormhole, and the second is the planet at its end. For example, the line "2 4" describes a wormhole from planet 2 to planet 4.


The output is a single integer, which is the minimal number of packs required for terraforming all planets.

Sample input

8 6
1 2
2 3
4 5
5 6
6 5
7 3

Sample output


Problem C: Cell-phone towers

Since the transmission range of a cellular phone is very small, phone companies install a large number of transmission towers, which provide coverage for populated areas; we assume that the range of each tower is ten miles. If two towers are within twenty miles from each other, then their ranges overlap, and they need to use different frequencies to avoid interference. On the other hand, if the distance between two towers is strictly greater than twenty miles, they may use the same frequency. Your task is to write a program that determines the minimal number of different frequencies required for a given set of towers.


The input includes the locations of towers; the first line is the number of towers, which is between 2 and 100, and the other lines represent specific towers. The description of a tower includes two positive integers between 1 and 1,000,000, which are its coordinates in miles; all towers have distinct coordinates.


The output is a single integer, which is the minimal required number of different frequencies.

Sample input

1 1
1 20
20 1
20 20

Sample output



This problem does not have a polynomial-time solution, and it may require heuristic search.