================================ REPORT FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2004 ================================ TECHNICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS () Implemented an initial version of Optimizer, which generates conference schedules based on given constraints and preferences. () Tested Optimizer on several "one-day conference" scenarios, and showed its effectiveness on small-scale problems; have not yet tested its scalability. () Implemented a very preliminary version of Information Elicitor, which identifies critical missing pieces of knowledge in an uncertain world model, and generates related questions. () Began work on a GUI for the Space-Time module; this work is done by Andrew Faulring and Brandon Rothrock in the UI group, with a limited support from our Space-Time group. PROJECT PLANS () Extend Optimizer to handle additional features of the "conference planning" scenario; a tentative list of target features is posted at www.cs.cmu.edu/~eugene/Radar/features.txt. () Run experiments on scalability of Optimizer. () Continue work on Information Elicitor, and implement advanced elicitation algorithms. () Begin empirical evaluation of Information Elicitor. () Begin work on a conference paper describing Information Elicitor. OBJECTIVES FOR NEXT PERIOD () Produce and test the end-to-end version of Space-Time Module. () Integrate it with Space-Time GUI and Radar architecture. () Begin tests involving human subjects, in collaboration with Aaron Steinfeld, who is responsible for the test design. MEETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS We have not participated in any external meetings. We have participated in the two main internal meetings: kick-off meeting (Nov. 11) and IET visit (Dec. 21). We made a presentation at the kick-off meeting; we also prepared a "back-up" presentation for the IET visit, which was not given because of time constraints. These presentations are posted at www.cs.cmu.edu/~eugene/Radar/talks.html.