SCS Emigration Course
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

The SCS Emigration Seminars are a series of lectures and discussion sessions that focus on "grooming" you so you'll be ready to conquer the real world when you finish your Ph.D. Unlike the Immigration course, which is held during the first three weeks of the school year, the Emigration course is spread over the entire academic year. While the topics of interest are chosen with the more senior students in mind, students in the entire School of Computer Science are encouraged and welcome to attend.

The next session...
The ever-popular and highly-demanded re-reprise talk...



Jeannette M. Wing

Assistant Director
Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate
National Science Foundation
and President's Professor of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Friday, 15 February 2008
1:00 pm -- Wean Hall 5409
Refreshments will be served

Are you an SCS Ph.D. graduate student about to interview for a job in academia or industry? I'd like to share with our soon-to-be or newly-minted Ph.D.s some general tips on the interview process, including pre-interview preparation, the visit itself and job talk, and post-interview follow-up. I will leave ample time for discussion and questions.



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Upcoming Lectures:

Past Lectures:
Rob Shillingsburg, Google
Reed McManigle, Carnegie Mellon University
Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon University
Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon University
Ted Wong, IBM Almaden Research
Jeannette Wing, Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon University
Scott Dietzen, BEA Systems (includes slides)
Kevin Dowling, Color Kinetics
Howard Gobioff and Erik Riedel, Google Inc and Seagate Technology
Roy Levin, Microsoft Research
Peter Shane, H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon
Erik Riedel, HP Laboratories (includes slides)
Astro Teller, BodyMedia, Inc.
Jeannette Wing, School of Computer Science (includes slides)

School of Computer Science