Computational Molecular Biology and Genomics - Fall 2021

[Syllabus] [Course Policies] [Prerequisites] [Learning objectives] [2019 course page]

Administrative Information

Lectures: 10:10 - 11:30   Location: Porter Hall A22    

Professor Dannie Durand,
    Dr. Maureen Stolzer,
    Yuting Xiao,

Office hours: TBA

Course Summary

An advanced introduction to computational molecular biology, using an applied algorithms approach. The course will survey established algorithmic methods, including pairwise sequence alignment and dynamic programming, multiple sequence alignment, fast database search heuristics, hidden Markov models for molecular motifs, phylogeny reconstruction and gene finding. We will explore emerging computational problems in genomics through special topics lectures and literature assignments in 03-711

    Topics Covered

Last modified: Aug 30th, 2021.
Maintained by Dannie Durand (