Computational Molecular Biology and Genomics - Fall 2006

[Announcements] [Syllabus] [Reading] [Projects] [Prerequisites] [Course work & policies] [Resources] [2005 course page]

Course Summary

An advanced introduction to computational molecular biology, using an applied algorithms approach. The course will survey established algorithmic methods, including pairwise sequence alignment and dynamic programming, multiple sequence alignment, fast database search heuristics, hidden Markov models for molecular motifs, phylogeny reconstruction and gene finding. We will explore emerging computational problems in genomics through special topics lectures and course projects in 03-711/15-856.     Course numbers demystified.

Administrative Information

Lectures: T,Th 10:30am – 11:50am, Location: Doherty Hall 1211    

Dannie Durand,, 8-6036
Office hours:     Tuesdays, 2:30pm - 4:00pm, Mellon Institute 646

Teaching Assistant: Panagiotis Papasaikas,
Office hours:     Mondays, 5pm - 6pm, Doherty Hall 1321    (starting September 11th)

Finals week announcements:

  1. The final is closed book. You may bring two pages (or one page, front and back) of your own notes. You may need a calculator.
  2. Review questions for the final exam have been posted at the bottom of the syllabus page. Of course, there is no guarantee that every topic covered by the review questions will be on the final. It is also possible that a topic not covered by the review questions will appear on the final. I encourage you to review your lecture notes, as well as as your homeworks.
  3. The final exam will cover the entire semester, but the second half of the semester will be emphasized.
  4. Pangiotis is available to answer questions all next week by appointment. Email him to arrange a time to meet.
  5. I will hold an extended office hour from 2pm to 5pm on Sunday, 12/17, in MI646. If the back door is locked, call 8-6036 or 8-3199 for access.
  6. Please take the time to fill out the FCE form and give me feedback. FCE's can be filled out through Monday, 12/11.

Last modified: August 26th, 2006.
Maintained by Dannie Durand (