Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,, Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 02:55:03 -0400 From: Joe Harrington Subject: Re: NOTs Question: Scientology Licensed to Practice Medicine? Message-ID: References: <4kdm90$ant@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> [*** Some text snipped for lack of relevance. -- dst ***] The real problem with NOTS is the secrecy and the controlled environment that it is delivered in. First the aspiring OT must complete intensive security checking to ensure unquestionable loyalty to the Scientology domain and full acceptance of its teachings and policies. This is called "OT elgibility". A church member starts NOTS with a few short sessions with another NOTS auditor. Then he is indoctrinated in all of the materials of the NOTS package and he has to be in 100% TOTAL agreement with Hubbard's theory of the composite nature of a human being (the view that your entire body is made up of BTs and clusters, and only Scientology can free you of them). Once a person starts on solo NOTS, he has to audit every day and report his results to his solo case supervisor. Most people start solo auditing at Flag and then the case supervisor ok's it for them to go home and continue solo auditing. Solo NOTS is a VERY long process, and 1-2 years of daily auditing is not unusual. By the time a person starts solo auditing, he has TOTALLY bought into the Xenu mythology and Hubbard's belief on malevolent BTs and clusters. ANY physical illness or unusual ache or pain the solo auditor experiences will immediately be attributed to a BT or cluster that the solo auditor did not "handle". If a person becomes ill or upset or stops auditing while on solo NOTS, he is required to come to Flag, at his own expense, and get "handled". The Flag registrars (phone salesmen) are very agressive with solo NOTS auditors. If a person can't not afford to report in to Flag and pay $1,000 an hour for review auditing, he risks being assigned an Ethics condition for not following the orders of the C/S, and will have to undergo more security checking and review before he can resume solo auditing.... Thus, not many people complete solo NOTS, a pre-requisite for the TOTAL POWER and TOTAL CAUSE over matter, energy, space, and time, both objective and subjective that Hubbard promised those who complete OT8.... By the time a person has arrived at solo NOTS, he has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars, undergone 25-50 hours of security checking, and the most intimate details of his personal life have be extracted from him, to be used to coerce and blackmail him if he goes astray... He has literally "sold" his soul and his future to the organization. Psychotic episodes and suicides and premature deaths are not uncommon... FACTNet was completing the inquiry on this phenomena at the time of the RTC raid and the investigative files were the real target of the raids.... There are NO "OTs" in the CofS. There are only wishful thinkers. A person on solo NOTS is required to be bonded and sign non-disclosure agreements that he will NEVER reveal the contents of the NOTS materials. The recent litigation illustrates the extent that the CofS will go to keep these dark secrets. A person on NOTS who later leaves the CofS can NEVER discuss the materials of NOTS or his experiences or difficulties with NOTS to another person, including a doctor, therapist, or minister. If he does, he risk the wrath and legal arm of the Scientology Empire. Witness what happened to Larry Wollersheim, Dennis Erlich, Arnie Lerma et al.... My personal belief is that trade secrets and copyrights laws connected with the NOTS materials, and the legal enforcement of them in the civil courts are physically, mentally, and spiritually harmful to present and former church members and violate their rights of religious freedom and religious expression. The courts have NOT shown a compelling reason for the enforcement of the Copyright Laws in several of these cases. And I believe that people who engage in civil disobedience by exposing these secrets serve a higher purpose and are acting in the best interest of the public. I applaud the courage of the "copyright terrorists". Joe