From: Mike O'Connor Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 18:24:28 GMT Mr. Henson's case is a fascinating subject, to folks interested in Scientology, the law, OR the Internet. I've posted a couple of messages on NOTs 34, and of course, it is a simple matter to discuss this copyrighted document without coming anywhere close to copying it. The below is based on one such posting, directed to one of the many anonymous persons who have posted NOTs 34 - as you know, it was posted many times on its entirety, before and after Mr. Henson's actions in that case, and like almost all the NOTs and many other documents, has been on the net continuously. Scientology never really figured out that such high profile controversies FUEL additional violations. +++ I noticed you posted NOTs 34. I find it an interesting document, because it is arguably a criminal instruction manual, as, in my non-lawyer opinion it describes how to use an E-Meter to help diagnose, treat, cure, and prevent physical diseases in violation of federal court orders given to Scientology. It also has the distinction of being the subject of an odd judicial decision. A Mr. Henson, who wished to send a complete copy of this two-pager to the FDA so they could make an informed decision about violations, was prohibited from doing so by a judge, because the cult has copyrighted this material and therefore controls its distribution. Amazing. So all you hitmen, terrorists and anarchists out there, make sure to copyright your planning documents! Scientology's E-Meter device was the subject of a lengthy and significant case, hard-fought by Scientology. As part of their loss, they has to cease doing certain things. Let's look at a few extracts from the E-Meter case, to see what is prohibited: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "United States of America, Libelant, v. An Article or Device "Hubbard Electrometer" or "Hubbard E-Meter," etc., Founding Church of Scientology et al., Claimants, No. D.C. 1-63, United States District Court, District of Columbia, July 30, 1971 (333 F.Supp. 357)." [...] Hubbard and his fellow Scientologists developed the notion of using an E-meter to aid auditing. Substantial fees were charged for the meter and for auditing sessions using the meter. They repeatedly and explicitly represented that such auditing effectuated cures of many physical and mental illnesses. An individual processed with the aid of the E-meter was said to reach the intended goal of "clear" and was led to believe there was reliable scientific proof that once cleared many, indeed most illnesses would automatically be cured. Auditing was guaranteed to be successful. All this was and is false-in short, a fraud. Contrary to representations made, there is absolutely no scientific or medical basis in fact for the claimed cures attributed to E-meter auditing. [...] The device should bear a prominent, clearly visible notice warning that any person using it for auditing or counseling of any kind is forbidden by law to represent that there is any medical or scientific basis for believing or asserting that the device is useful in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease. It should be noted in the warning that the device has been condemned by a United States District Court for misrepresentation and misbranding under the Food and Drug laws, that use is permitted only as part of religious activity, and that the E-meter is not medically or scientifically capable of improving the health or bodily functions of anyone. Each user, purchaser, and distributee of the E-meter shall sign a written statement that he has read such warning and understands its contents and such statements shall be preserved. [...] APPENDIX A Representative Documents Found to be Non-Religious, and Samples of False or Misleading Claims Found Therein [...] "The first science of mind to prove conclusively that physical illness can stem from mental disturbance, a fact which Freud held only as a theory, and only seldom demonstrated." [...] "It contains a therapeutic technique with which can be treated all inorganic mental ills and all organic psycho-somatic ills, with assurance of complete cure in unselected cases. [...] "Dianetics brings forth the nongerm theory of disease, complementing bio-chemistry and Pasteur's work on the germ theory to embrace the field. [...] -- Federal Judge Gesell, 1 Jul 1971 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That's part of the court's opinion and orders. Does NOTs 34 instruct Scientology cult auditors to violate this? We need to look at what actions NOTs 34 says to take, and the cult explanation of what the actions do. Suppose you are poisoned. That's a physical disease. Maybe you should get your stomach pumped, or maybe you should get yourself to a hospital. NOTs 34 instructs that "poison" is one of the specific physical conditions it handles. What other things does it handle? Well, it mentions "bad food," and "paint fumes," and "dust" in the "lungs," and talks about "illness" of "body parts." But in general, NOTs 34 is for "physical conditions" and we will look at what that means a little later. OK. So what does NOTs say to do, to handle the conditions? These things are to be handled with the E-Meter. The auditor uses the E-Meter in each of the eight steps he is required to follow to handle the condition. Here are the eight steps: 1) First, you handle "The item producing the physical condition. This could be 'dust' as an irritant. Or 'poison', 'bad food', 'paint fumes', etc.' The way you handle such items is by "finding and blowing off BTs and clusters who are: (a) being the item (b) resisting the item." What does this mean? A "BT" is a Body Thetan. A Body Thetan is an ALIEN BEING. That's right, a kidnapped, brainwashed ALIEN BEING who is "stuck" on you, whose thoughts influence your thoughts, whose thoughts can cause illness, whose thoughts DID cause your physical conditions being diagnosed, treated, cured, and prevented by E-Meter auditing. Conditions such as "nerve deafness", "blindness", "catatonia", stuff like that. "Blowing off" means waking these aliens up and getting them unstuck from you and to stop influencing you. Huh? The thoughts of an invisible ALIEN BEING stuck to me caused my blindness, and exorcism of them will cure me? Let's look at why that is indeed the explanation given: NOTs 34 is a two page document, part of a series of documents called NOTs, which is part of the sacred scriptures of the cult and religion of Scientology. Scientology says you are a "thetan." This "you" is not your meat body being talked about, it's the incorporeal thing that is you, your "soul," so to speak. But it isn't called a soul, it is a thetan. That's what is you. You are not an Earthling. You were born, and lived, on other planets, probably one of the seventy-some-odd nearby planets who are members of the confederation. Perhaps you and I and some of our friends lived on the planet Coltice. How did we get to Earth? Why do we think we are Earthlings? The cult's scripture known as "OT III", Operating Thetan Three, and related documents explain. A long time ago - 75,000,000 years ago, we, all of us Earthers, were living on our home planets, far, far away. As member planets in the confederation, we were under the confederation ruler named "Xenu." But Xenu was about to be unelected, and he decided to go out with a big bang. He figured he'd go out and solve the major overpopulation problem in one fell swoop. Here is what he did. He tricked us. We are sitting around or whatever, and we get called in to a tax audit. But instead of being audited, Xenu's minions kidnap us! We get zapped, injected, frozen, we thetans trapped totally. Hundreds of billions of us. We get packed up in boxes, loaded into space planes, and sent here, to this island Earth, a prison planet. On Earth, we are chained, electronic ribbons keep us captive, we are placed near volcanos, H bombs are dropped into them, we are zapped, rocked, stupified by the explosions. Don't worry, we aren't dead. Thetans don't die, we are immortal, godlike, with powers over matter, energy, space and time. But we can kiss that all goodbye, because our minds get blown but good. We are disoriented. We need to see an orientation film, and Xenu has us locked into watching 3D movies for weeks on end, implanting thought pictures into us. It's these ALIEN MIND IMPLANTS that make us think we are human, that we need to get sick, to die, to pay federal taxes. THIS is why our houses look like they do, why theatres look as they do, why our lifespan seems to be short, why we have fears and emotions. Xenu did this to us. Locked us here, took our powers from us, brew our minds, brainwashed us with the ALIEN MIND IMPLANT the cult had named "R6." And here we are. But wait, there are only a few billion people on Earth. Where are the hundreds of billions? Well, we are all here, we all got implanted and zapped, but some of us really took it hard. Some of got so zapped we don't have enough oomph to take over a meat Earth body and think it is our own. Some got so zapped they think they are mere objects, body parts, or just simple thoughts! Those poor thetans. Thetans tend to stick together in clusters, to stick to stuff, and many of them stick to US. We, Thetans kidnapped and implanted by Xenu, all have other thetans, "body thetans" stuck in us, on us, near us. Lots of them. clusters of them glommed onto us. Other ALIEN BEINGS INFESTING US, thinking, influencing our thoughts. It's disgusting, really. We forget we have TOTAL FREEDOM, total power over M.E.S.T., we are implanted, made reactive to all sorts of crazy things, and to top it off we have these other guys, even more zapped and deluded, in us, thinking, causing even more of a mess. Yecch. Scientology is dedicated to helping us with all this. Mr. Hubbard, dead cult founder, figured it all out and wrote the scriptures and what he calls the "space opera" story I've related. Scientology can help us reverse the effects of these implants, can remove our "reactive minds" leaving us with the correct analytical part, and it can exorcize the demons within us - the Body Thetans! BTs! The NOTs is meant to address this. It's a New era for Operating Thetans. N.O.T. We are thetans. We are powerful beings but we don't know it. Why do we get sick? Well, we _think_ we are the meat. We _think_ we are human. We _think_ we need to get sick. We _think_ we are sick. It's all implants, reactions, abberational thoughts, delusions. ALL ILLNESS IS PSYCHOSOMATIC. Caused by thoughts alone. Deluded, implanted, brainwashed thoughts of ourselves AND our body thetans. If I've got nerve deafness or blindness, how could an incorporeal thought cause that? Some disease can't be just psychosomatic, can they? Some diseases are PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. Take a blind guy with an optic nerve that doesn't transmit impulses. How could thoughts cause that kind of blindness? Cult sacred scripture has the answer. We need to look at NOTs 22. NOTs 22 is titled ANATEN. Scientology tells us that we have many, many Body Thetans, BTs, stuck to us. Some are awake, some are asleep, dormant. Those are tough ones, and NOTs spends a lot of time on them. In NOTs 22, it talks about BTs waking up and what happens. NOTs 22 says "When a dormant BT wakes up it acquires mass. He's 'not there', and then when attention is put on him he acquires mass." So. A BT wakes up and it acquires mass. Physical mass, with physical weight. Other cult scriptures support the idea of BTs thinking up physical stuff. Frankly, this whole universe is merely thought up and agreed upon, and that's why ANY of it exists. But that's for another post. NOTs 22 says "A BT sitting around or on a nerve channel, who is awakened and suddenly mocks up mass or a ridge, will shut down the nerve and knock the guy anaten - knocks the body anaten - not the pc. In the head especially, when a cluster suddenly mocks up mass, it shuts off nerve channels. "Some people who are deaf or blind might simply have a cluster sitting on a nerve, and it's gone on so many years the nerve atrophies. Catatonics may be suffering from this sort of knockout." Now we have the meat of the matter. BTs wake up, create mass, the mass sits on nerves, shuts off the nerves, the guy is blind! That created the physical condition. The BTs did it. And to cure the guy we need to reverse the process. Let's return to NOTs 34, "THE SEQUENCE FOR HANDLING A PHYSICAL CONDITION." We were discussing the eight steps an auditor is required to follow to handle the physical condition. The first step is to find and blow off the BTs and clusters of BTs who think they are the item in question - in the case of poisoning, for example, the stomach. In the first step of NOTs 34, the auditor uses the E-Meter to find and blow off the BTs that think they are the item with the problem. The auditor will DIAGNOSE with the help of the E-Meter that indeed, BTs are causing the problem, that BTs are there who think they are the stomach. The auditor uses the meter to find these BTs, to judge the reactions of the BTs as he telepathically gets them to blow off the patient's body, and to verift that they are gone. The other seven steps are the same. Use the E-Meter to find BTs, get them to blow off the body, and verify they are gone. The difference in each step is that a particular group of BTs is addressed. The BTs must be blown in the specific order, and NOTs 34 is instructing the auditor in the sequence that BTs should be blown. In this way, the auditor will use the E-Meter to help TREAT the illness. The order in which BTs must be blown is specified in the eight steps of NOTs 34. Here is the order. Let's use an example given in NOTs 34, food poisoning: 1. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "the item" which is causing the problem, such as the poisoned food, in the case of food poisoning, and those BTs that think they are "resisting" the item. 2. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "the body part" with the problem, such as the stomach. 3. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "illness of the body part," the ones who think they are "sick stomach." 4. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "cures for illness." You have to get rid of BTs who think they are the cure for a sick stomach. 5. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think "protest of cures for the illness." The BTs which are protesting the cure for a sick stomach must be exorcized in this step. 6. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "the body part (again.)" This repeat of step 2 is deemed necessary because at this point you will find additional BTs that think they are the stomach. 7. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "the item (again.)" The repeat of step 1 will find more BTs that think they are the poisoned food and that have "engrams" (prior traumatic incidents concerning) poisoned food. 8. Use the meter to help blow BTs which think they are "the period of illness on it." The document says "These are BTs and clusters who were not actually connected with the item, or illness themselves, but were made into a cluster and added on, due to the period of illness which they experienced." That's the treatment of the illness, and the instructions for using the E-Meter to help CURE the disease. NOTs 34 says "The above are the full steps and sequence for handling a physical condition or illness. If not done fully or omitted, the condition will recur." So NOTs 34 is deemed the way to use the E-Meter to PREVENT recurrence of the disease. Let's summarize. It is criminal for the cult to claim the E-Meter can help diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. NOTs 34 is an instruction manual for auditors. NOTs 34 claims cult auditors must use the E-Meter to help DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, AND PREVENT physical conditions. What's your opinion? Is NOTs 34 a criminal instruction manual, kept away from FDA enforcement by a federal judge? I'm not a cult member or ex-member or a lawyer. Corrections of fact by those more learned than me on this topic are appreciated. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- LYING IS A SCIENTOLOGY SACRAMENT ASK THEM ABOUT XENU Mike O'Connor