Nanoelectronics - the Original Positronic Brain? Dan Hammerstrom Portland State University The semiconductor industry has been following Moore's law for almost 30 years. Intel is now manufacturing in their new, innovative 45 nm process. Transistors of this size are no longer acting like ideal switches. And there are other problems: power density, performance overkill, density overkill, and the predicted end of Moore's law -- scaling will continue, though at a decreasing rate, asymptotically approaching 22nm in 10-15 years. Because of power and interconnect limitations, ever increasing processor performance will need to come more from parallel execution. However, there are still few opportunities to leverage parallelism in volume market desktop applications - we still have not solved the parallel computing problem. Another serious problem is that the complexity of these systems is growing exponentially. How do we create a 100% guaranteed correct design of several billion transistors? Will we hit the complexity or parallel programming walls before Moore's law runs out? Can we, by moving to molecular scale "electronics," buy time? Is it possible? Will nanoelectronics be economical? What will we do with it? Will it enable new applications? Or will it be more of the same? And most importantly, what should the research agenda be? Of the various problems facing the semiconductor industry, which ones does nanotechnology solve? It severely aggravates the design complexity problem. Having trouble figuring out what to do with and how to reliably design 1 Billion transistors? Well, we're going to give you 1 Trillion! The current design tools and methodologies will not stretch that far. But, the $64K question is, what exactly will we use nanoelectronics for? Radical new technologies create radical new opportunities. What if we could find an application space that, in addition to promising a solution to the Intelligent Computing problem, also addressed some of the other challenges facing the computer industry? One that exhibited massive parallelism, low power density -- where performance was based on parallelism not speed, tolerance of static and dynamic faults, some design fault tolerance, asynchrony (no clock), and be a system that was adaptive and self-organizing. The opportunity for this community is real and it is coming. We need massively parallel algorithms to drive this effort and to justify the investment in the necessary architectures and implementation technology. As a group NIPS participants are better positioned to leverage this opportunity than almost any other application domain. In this presentation I will summarize some of the more promising nano- electronic architectures and lay out a roadmap for the hardware opportunities.