THE SAD TALE OF SCIENTOLOGY A short history 1950-85 BY ERIC TOWNSEND THE SAD TALE OF SCIENTOLOGY THE SAD TALE OF SCIENTOLOGY A SHORT HISTORY 1950-85 BY ERIC TOWNSEND ANIMA PUBLISHING Copyright (c) 1985 Eric Townsend ISBN 0-9510471-0-8 *Published by Anima Publishing PO Box 10, *Printed in Great Britain by Bramhall, Deanprint Ltd. Stockport, Cheadle Heath Works, Cheshire SK7 2QF. Stockport, England* Cheshire SK3 0PR*
Eric Townsend has developed his interest in the subjects of Scientology and Dianetics over the last ten years. During this time he has undertaken courses of study with the Church of Scientology, trained as an Auditor himself and has received auditing services from the Church.
He has combined his interest in Scientology with a busy business and academic career. He worked on research and marketing for a number of multi-nationals prior to starting his own successful business. In addition he has been active in representing trade associations, management representative bodies and developing youth training projects.
Eric Townsend was brought up as a Roman Catholic but rejected formal religious beliefs while at University. In middle life he found a need for greater spiritual awareness and fulfillment. After trying a number of avenues he found that Scientology most adequately filled this requirement.
While he has had immense spiritual and practical benefits from Scientology, he does not feel that it is the right way for everyone. However, under-informed public opinion, plus sensationalist press coverage, means that many people may reject the subject on inadequate information.
His aim in writing this book is to provide a brief and balanced summary of how the subject has developed. By doing this in a way that tries to be fair to all sides, he hopes that the open-minded reader will have enough information to make a rational decision about whether to take their interest in the subject further or not.