Operation Snow White - Project Glass


Project Glass was outlined in Guardian Order 732, as were all of the projects. The order says:


                      Project GLASS

SWOT # 29 EU Commission vs Germany.

Reference: EU Commission papers as attached.

The Eu Commission may accept a petition brought by
German Scns as to violations of Articles 8 and 9
of the Eu Convention on Human Rights.

The Federal Republic of Germany both signed and
ratified the Convention prior to 1967 and is
therefore bound by it.

(a) Retain a or use the existing attorney already
retained in Strasbourg, France.

(b) Assemble all documents relating to earlier
German targets no roll so all Correspondance.

(c) Do a rough draft petition, suitably documented.
This is brought by German Scns.  As Articles 8,9,10
and 11 of the Convention each have a second paragraph
tending to limit the freedom, documents must be
included to disern accusations that Scn is detrimental
to national security, public safety, the economic
well being of the country, public order, health or
morals and that it does not indure the rights or
freedoms of others, as these points will be used
to argue Scn suppression.

(d) Revide the rough draft against the Admissability
requirements of the Commission to be certain each one
is met. (As enclosed.) The great majority of petitions
to the Commission are rejected as "inadmissable" and
this point requires the greatest care.

(e) Have the attorney draw the final draft.

(f) Submit the petition.

(g) Cooperate with the Commission.

(h) Work between the German and Commission attorney to
take full advantage of any change of heart by Germany.

(i) Exploit all advantages gained.

(j) Use this matter as a data rent to further attacks
both in Germany and in Europe.

[ Scan of document ]


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