Kodu Vocabulary for Teachers

David S. Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon University

Kodu programs are organized into pages. There are 12 pages available. Characters always start on page 1. Each page can contain several rules.

Each line of a kodu program is called a rule. Every rule has a WHEN part and a DO part.

Each rectangle that appears in a rule is called a tile. A tile contains a picture and an associated word or phrase, e.g., the "move" tile has a picture of a kodu with trailing lines suggesting motion. On the screen we have virtual tiles. In the real world we have physical tile manipulatives made out of acrylic.

Reading a rule aloud
When reading a rule aloud, always include the "WHEN" and the "DO" keywords. They are essential parts of the rule, and they help reinforce the syntactic structure of Kodu.
Wrong way: "bump apple eat it"

Right way: "WHEN bump apple DO eat it"

If the rule's condition is empty you can say "WHEN DO...", or "WHEN always DO...".

Conditions, actions, and parameters
The first tile in the WHEN part of a rule is the condition. Examples include "see" and "bump". Conditions can be either true or false, depending on the state of the world, but they do not change the world. Students may need to be reminded of this, especially with regard to "bump". Bump apple means "felt a bump involving an apple", not "go find an apple and bump it". An empty WHEN (no condition) is always true.

The first tile in the DO part of a rule is the action. Examples include "move" and "eat".

parameter or argument
The tiles that appear after a condition or action tile are called parameters or arguments. (These are terms from computer science; for our purposes they are synonymous.) In the rule "WHEN see red apple DO move toward", the "red" and "apple" tiles are parameters of "see", and "toward" is a parameter of "move".

grammatical roles of tile words
In terms of English grammar, conditions and actions are always verbs. Parameters can be nouns ("apple"), pronouns ("me" or "it"), prepositions ("toward"), adjectives ("red"), or adverbs ("quickly").

A Kodu rule is indented by sliding it one step to the right.

For a rule to be indented it must have a parent. The first rule above it that is less indented is the rule's parent. Thus, the first rule on a page can never be indented because it would have no parent.

rule can run
An unindented rule can run if its condition is true. An indented rule depends on its parent: it can only run if its parent can run (and its own condition is true).

Idiom Terminology
In human language, an idiom is a phrase whose meaning is established by convention and cannot be discerned from the literal meanings of the individual words. Common English idioms include "raining cats and dogs" and "miss the boat". In computer science, an idiom is a commonly used and hence easily recognizable pattern of computer instructions. Kodu idioms are idioms in this sense. An example of a Kodu idiom is Pursue and Consume.

To pursue means to quickly follow or chase after. In Kodu, a pursue rule always involves some sort of motion. A pursue rule can be the first half of a Pursue and Consume idiom.

To consume means to ingest (as people consume food), or use up (as a car consumes gasoline or a fire consumes wood). In Kodu, a consume rule either eliminates the object or changes it so that it is no longer perceived by the pursue rule it is paired with.

A default is something that holds when no alternative has been specified. For example, the default number of pickles on a McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese is two. You can have more or fewer if you ask for that. But if you don't ask, you get two pickles by default. In Kodu, the Default Value idiom specifies what parameter value to use with an action when no earlier rule has specified a value.

Two Kodu rules conflict if they have the same action but incompatible parameters. For example, "move toward" and "move wander" conflict. If both rules can run, only one action will take effect. Likewise, "color me red" and "color me blue" conflict.

earlier rule
A rule that appears earlier on the page than some other rule will have a lower rule number, and will have priority if there is a conflict.

When two rules conflict and both can run, the earlier rule has priority, meaning its action is the one that takes effect. Thus, if rule 1 says "move toward" and rule 2 says "move wander", then rule 1 has priority because it appears earlier on the page. Rule 2's action will take effect only in situations where rule 1 cannot run.

action takes effect
An action takes effect if it successfully performs its intended function. For example, "eat" takes effect if it makes an object disappear. The "eat" action might not take effect if the object the character is trying to eat is too far away. An action also might not take effect if a conflicting rule has priority over it.

rule or action is blocked
A rule (or action) is blocked if some rule with higher priority prevents the action from taking effect. For example, in the Default Value idiom, if the rule specifying the special case runs, it will block the rule that implements the default case.

State Machines
A state machine is an idealized, theoretical machine whose behavior is described in terms of a start state, a set of additional states, and a set of transitions from one state to another. State machines are widely used in computer science to describe the behavior of digital electronics (hardware) and the computer software that runs on that hardware. State machines are theoretical ideals because unlike real machines, their reliability is perfect: they can never make an error, overheat, or run out of power.

A state machine is always "in" exactly one state at a time. State machines perform computation by moving from state to state. In Kodu, each character is a separate state machine, and its pages are its states. There is another sense of "state" that is also important: the state of the world. This includes the positions of all the objects in the world, their properties such as color and size, what they are holding, and so on. Conditions check the state of the world to see if the condition is true, while actions change the state of the world.

A transition takes a state machine from one state to another. Every transition has a condition associated with it. The transition will only "fire" if the condition is true. In Kodu, transitions are performed by rules with a switch to page action.

start state
Every state machine has a start state that it occupies when the computation begins. In Kodu the start state is always page 1.

Graphical notation for state machines
State machines are commonly drawn as diagrams composed of nodes and links. In computer science terminology these diagrams are called labeled directed graphs. State machine diagrams are a convenient way to reason about state machine behavior, e.g., we can tell if one state is reachable from another by looking for a sequence of transitions forming a path between them.

state node or just node
A state node is drawn as a circle with text inside it describing the state. In Kodu each state node should be labeled with the page number of that state and a brief description of what the page is trying to do, e.g., "Page 1: pursue and consume apples".

A link is drawn as an arrow connecting one state node to another. Links describe the transitions between states. The arrow should be labeled with some text describing the condition under which the transition will fire, e.g., "reached the red tree" or "no apples left". Since a node with no incoming links would be unreachable, in a well-formed Kodu program every node (except possibly the start node) has at least one incoming link.

terminal state
A terminal state is a state with no outgoing links. Once a character enters a terminal state it can never leave that state. In Kodu a terminal state will often contain a "(game) win" or "(game) end" action.

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Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Sat Jun 13 17:41:47 EDT 2015