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Café del Giardino was founded by Jason & Jeanine Grammes in July, 2003 and is located in Topton, PA, on the 1st floor of the Maulfair Medical Center.

We are one of the only restaurants in the area that strive's to create entree's, organic where possible, that not only taste delicious, but are actually healthy! Healthy food doesn't have to taste like, or come in a cardboard box. In fact, the key is freshness.

All of our cuisine is prepared from fresh, organic ingredients, and prepared by exquisite, health-minded chefs. Through our commitment, experience, and expertise, Café del Giardino will establish a business relationship with our customers that will last a lifetime!

Call Café del Giardino today at

(610) 682-0002 or Toll Free at 1-888-886-5258

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