From Mon Aug 24 19:14:35 EDT 1998 Article: 174426 of alt.religion.scientology Path:!!!!!!!!! From: (NoScieno) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: JC Whitney sells "The Force" Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 16:39:20 -0500 Organization: ARSCC Skunk-Works Lines: 86 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Anawave Gravity v2.00 X-NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: alt.religion.scientology:174426 "...As seen on TV" (I haven't, actually, but that's what it says) If you know anything about JC Whitney (and its defunct parent company Warshawsky's), you know that it's sort of a haven for questionable automotive scams. They still sell "Engine Overhaul Pellets" (that come with a gooey STP-like liquid, which probably does more by itself than the silly wax pills you're supposed to drop in the spark plug holes), for example. This is not to say the "everything" in "Everything Automotive(tm)" is a rip-off, in fact a lot of their stuff is fairly decent (the Brazilian VW parts are okay), but there certainly are a few items to avoid. Anyway, one of our favorite Scientology-linked swindles, "The Force," now also appears on the pulp pages (that's fitting!) of JCW's catalog. I couldn't find it on their new website . Here's a sample of the ad in their catalog though: SUPERCHARGE YOUR ENGINE IN ABOUT 5 MINUTES! The FORCE(tm) MAXIMIZES FUEL BURN for More Power, Better Milage, Greater Efficiency! ... The FORCE releases an airborne catalyst that supercharges the air coming into your gas or diesel engine. It treats the air, not the fuel.... Air treated with the FORCE(tm) cleans fuel injectors and the combustion chambers and eliminates carbon buildup on valves, rings, pistons, spark plugs.... ...It's a 2-step engine performance system utilizing a powerful combustion catalyst encased in a porous nylon tube...for best results use Formula One first. LISTEN TO WHAT AN EXPERT SAYS ABOUT THE FORCE Bob Sikorsky, auto expert, syndicated columnist, author and TV personality, speaking recently before a group of writers recommended the FORCE "to anyone wanting better performance, better fuel economy and a much cleaner and more efficient engine. It's the first really all-new automotive product to come along in years. A revolutionary product that really works." He went on to say that he personally used the force in all of his vehicles and was "both pleased and impressed with the results." He noticed the engine becomes "smoother and stronger-running" and that "there's a significant increase in horsepower; power that the vehicle owner will actually be able to feel." He stated the FORCE was "easy to install -- anyone can do it" and paid "for itself in fuel and oil (helps keep the oil clean) savings." FORMULA ONE. Designed to safely get rid of the harmful carbon deposits that can impair performance, destroy internal components and cause pinging/run-on. Includes 3 single-membrane packs -- use one per month. Approx 3,000 miles of normal driving will purge components of carbon deposits.... ($29.95) FORMULA TWO. Includes 4 dual-membrane packs -- enough to maximize engine efficiency and fuel economy for about 12,000 miles (or one year).... ($34.95) BIG RIG FLEET FORMULA FOR DIESELS All the benefits above plus reduces the black smoke your rig can produce. FLEET FORMULA ONE. Includes 2 extra-strong, extra-large single-membrane packs -- approx. one-month supply. (18.95) FLEET FORMULA TWO. Includes 4 dual-membrane packs -- approx. 4-month supply. ($24.95) = = = = = = = = = = There's a chart which purports to show an 11% increase in horsepower at 3400 rpm, but oddly the curve seems to imply approximately 7% at the point labeled "11%," and approx. 18% at about 2875 rpm, the point at which it drops off the scale. Extrapolating the "before" curve correspondent with the "after" curve would indicate even greater gains at lower rpms. What this amounts to is a very crudely fabricated graph with no truthful basis in factual data. Imagine arc segments of two radii with the same centerpoint. It *looks* convincing until you start adding it up, then it betrays a clumsy falsehood indeed! None of this is news to a.r.s., of course, we already know from the documents posted by Mark Dallara that The FORCE is little more than an overly hyped-up bag of water. Gee, maybe for my trouble I can have my company noisily investigated too.... -- NoScieno accepts NoMail (spam block) Try "Thynkr"(same.isp)