More on Theology: On Demons - Nobody has been able to discover any "Underworld" of Dirt, not in any formal sense. If there is one, it isn't advertising its presence much. So what's the deal with these "demon" thingies? Where are they coming from? Why do they like it here so much? Why are they always so evil? Any wizard will tell you that the answer lies in the WSOGMM, the Whole Sort Of General Mish-Mash that underlies all of creation. What he means by this is that he doesn't have a clue; and if you get down to it, the reason for just about everything lies in the WSOGMM, so he figures he can't be too far off. And, in fact, he isn't. The way it works is this. There are a whole bunch of planes in the WSOGMM - parallel realities, if you will. Some of them are happy places with lots of resources and stuff and joyful people who shouldn't have a care in the world, except they always do anyway, because that's people for you. Some are old magical places with lots of mighty artifacts and powerful magicians and great plans and much talk of smiting, but very little smiting actually gets done in those places, because you don't get to be a million years old by jumping into the middle of any battle that comes along. Some are comparatively boring places with not a whole lot of magic where no single person can gather enough power to do anything worth getting everyone else excited about, and this is approximately the category that Dirt falls into. Some, though, are nasty unpleasant places that have lots of magic of the killing-anyone-that-gets-close-to-it variety, and anyone living there has to be very tough to survive. Beings from these last types of plane are usually very very keen on being anywhere but in those types of plane, so they try to learn to plane-travel as quickly as possible. Sometimes, a few of the latter type of beings will find themselves in one of the other types of planes. This makes them very, very happy, because there's lots of magic and food and stuff in other planes, with hardly anything guarding it compared to what they're used to. These types of beings are called "demons", particularly by the people that used to have the magic and food and stuff before they (the demons) showed up. Demons come from a great many different places, and there's no single reliable method for dealing with them, although the people of Dirt have put a great deal of effort into searching for one. As for the opposite end of the spectrum, the "Gods" of Dirt: If they, or he, does, or do, exist, they have not seen fit to introduce themselves to creatures whose life span, let's be honest, isn't much more than that of the average mayfly. If you're immortal, omniscient, and almighty, there's not a whole lot more to get, is there? Thus there are no "clerics" in the traditional sense. Much more interesting are the passing, reasonably-mighty, and extremely mortal planeswalkers, such as Serra the Benevolent, Teferi, Hamstur the Unbearable, and The Lady. While most of them shun contact with the denizens ot this realm, many are happy to recruit their equivalent of worshippers - that is, people who, in exchange for a fraction of their power, agree to do their bidding, report the state of the world, and generally form an extremely expendable first line of defense against anything other planeswalkers might choose to send against them. Most of these have societies, with rigid social structures in which priests and clerics can advance in "levels", thus gaining a greater share of their patron's power, only after proving themselves in combat by defeating random monsters and/or retrieving magical items. More information on clericry can be found in CLERIC1.TXT.