This file is CONTENTS.TXT. It describes the other files. These files are a description of an RPG system which I designed a couple of years ago. I put it on the Web so that my Paranoia group back home could look at it; they've expressed interest, but due to the usual timing issues we haven't actually played yet. Listings are in order of increasing tangentiality; everything from AMULETS.TXT down is essentially "read for your own amusement" and will have no direct effect on gameplay. Gameplay files: COMBAT.TXT - description of combat system STATS.TXT - description of character generation STUFF.TXT - descriptions of available equipment SPELLS.TXT - descriptions of available common spells PARTY.TXT - an extremely generic default party Background files: PLOT.TXT - description of the characters' goals in this scenario AMULETS.TXT - describes the properties of the Amulets, which act as the players' interface to the characters MAGIC.TXT - describes Wizardry, the dominant school of magic THEOLOGY.TXT - describes the theological structures of Dirt MAGIC3.TXT - describes the distinction between wizardry and clericry CLERIC1.TXT - describes planeswalkers to which adventurers can pledge allegiance, becoming "clerics" (not fully implemented) MAGIC2.TXT - more ramblings on the effects of wizardly magic FLIGHT.TXT - the story of one of wizardly magic's more spectacular failures