Name: Fendel Wizard 7 / Loremaster 1 Declared alignment: NG Weight: 150 STR 4 (carry cap 13, 26, 40) OR STR 23 DEX 14 DEX 14 CON 16 CON 23 INT 20 (with circlet) WIS 13 CHA 11 HP: (7+5.5*7) = 45.5 AC: 10, +2 DEX, +1 mage robes, +1 mithril buckler, +4 mage armor, +7 shield =14, 18, or 25 (as Troll, +7 nat, -1 size is +6 AC) Saves: Will: +5 wiz +3 lore +2 res +1 wis (+11) Ref: +2 wiz +0 lore +2 res +2 dex (+6) Fort: +2 wiz +0 lore +2 res +3 con +1 luck (+8) (and +3 more as troll) Spec: Trans Banned: Conj Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Ignan, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Sylvan Feats: Scribe Scroll (W1), Empower Spell (C1), Sonic Subst (hmn), Craft Wondrous (C3), Fire Subst (W5), Skill Focus K:planes (C6), Spell Penetration (C9) Loremaster secret: +1 Will save Skills: K:arcana 10 ranks (+15) K:planes 10 ranks (+17) (skill focus) Spellcraft 11 ranks (+16) Concentration 11 ranks (+14) (+3 more as troll) Escape Artist 10 half-ranks (+7) Speak Language 8 half-ranks produces 4 languages Tumble 5 half-ranks (+4) Use Magic Device 4 ranks (+4) Sorceror spells: Mage Armor, Create Water, Cure Minor, Ray of Frost Wizard spells: Protection/Evil, Shield, Identify, True Strike, Magic Missile, Burning Hands Enlarge, Silent Image Flaming Sphere, Bulls-Strength Invisibility, Endurance Fireball, Haste Fly, Greater Magic Weapon Polyself, Polyother DDoor, ShadowConj Equipment: Scrolls: 2 Ghost Sound 2 Read Magic 1 acid substituted Magic Missile 1 Hold Portal (caster level 3) 1 Sleep (used) 2 Change Self 2 Silent Image (2 used) 2 True Strike 1 ExpRt (used) 1 Featherfall 1 Jump (used) 1 Spider Climb (used) 2 Comprehend Languages 1 See Invisible 1 Invisibility (used) 1 Alter Self 1 Rope Trick Magic items: Pearl I x 6 continual flame torch Identify pearl +1 mage robes masterwork mithril buckler 5lb Cloak of Resistance +2 circlet of INT +2 Nonmagic items: 2 daggers 2lb spellbook 3lb scroll organizer paper prism fire scepter thingy pack 2lb (jcreed is holding this) food, 3 days 3lb bedroll 5lb rope, silk 5lb Additional stuff: raven familiar, Loiosh -100gp 2 scrolls Prot from Evil -50gp Potion of Mage Armor Additional loot: one scroll disintegrate, two continual flame ioun stones, three scrolls endure elements, one (?) potion (?) air filter 2461gp Daily spells memorized: W0(5): Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand W1(6): MM, MM, MM, MM, MM, Enlarge W2(5): Sonic Sphere, Flaming Sphere, Invis, Bulls-Strength, Endurance W3(5): GMW, Sonicball, Sonicball, Haste, Fly W4(4): Polyself, Polyother, Polyother, DDoor S0(4): any of Create Water/Cure Minor/Ray of Frost [] [] [] [] S1(2): Mage Armor [] [] Pearl1(6): [] [] [] [] [] []