High-precision timing references
Manuals for obsolete equipment
Note that some of these are scans of the original manuals, and even in PDF
are pretty large (10-16MB). If you have PDF or other digital versions
of manuals for obsolete timing equipment that you'd like to share,
drop me a note and I'll put them online.
HP 5061
The 5061 was one of the original cesium clocks. It's been replaced
by Agilent's amazing 5071A, but it can still do a great job of keeping time - and doesn't
cost $50k. :) I believe that Corby Dawson is still the go-to person
for fixing 5061s and getting refurbished C(a)esium tubes, but please correct me
if I'm wrong.
GPS units
Things I'm looking for
- HP 5334a/b manuals
- HP z3801a service manual
If you have a 5334 manual that you'd be willing to temporarily part with,
I could probably be persuaded to scan it for you and then send it back.
dga - at - lcs dot mit dot edu
Dave Andersen
Last modified: Fri Dec 12 15:50:25 EST 2003