matthew deans - cv

Matthew C. Deans

Curriculum Vitae


Institution Major Subject Degree Date GPA
Carnegie Mellon UniversityRoboticsPh.D.July 2002
Lehigh UniversityElectrical EngineeringM.S.May 19963.93
Lehigh UniversityEngineering PhysicsB.S.January 19953.75
Lehigh UniversityElectrical EngineeringB.S.May 19943.73

Research Experience:

Autonomy and Robotics Area
NASA Ames Research Center
RIACS Summer Student Research Program 2001 visitor. Worked on visual pose estimation, focusing on a maximally informative statistics framework for improving approximations in the Variable State Dimension Filter framework, and on reduction of algorithmic complexity.
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Ph.D. Candidate. Thesis Advisor: Martial Hebert. Investigated visual landmark based position estimation for planetary rovers under a NASA GSRP Fellowship. Research included some work in detecting and tracking natural terrain features, and focused on statistics and recursive state estimation, incorporating concepts from structure from motion, robust estimation, Monte Carlo filtering, Kalman Filtering and related methods.
Allderdice High School
FIRST Team #117
Worked with a local area High School to compete in a national robotics competition. Acted as a mentor in the design, building, and programming of a robot to compete in regional and national competitions.
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search Project Team. Calibrated camera and pan-tilt mechanism and developed algorithm to localize rock features on ice fields using monocular imaging and a flat ground assumption. Also helped to develop the Science Autonomy Architecture specification.
Intelligent MechanismsGroup,
NASA Ames Research Center
Summer Intern. Worked on a monocular visual servoing system for the Marsokhod planetary rover. The rover was able to autonomously navigate towards a user-selected terrain feature.
NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center
Visiting Student Enrichment Program. Worked with Dr. Anil Deane. Studied time evolution of coherent structures on the solar surface using the Karhunen-Loeve transform (PCA) analysis of SOHO data.
Lehigh University
EECS Department
Research Assistant. Worked with Dr. Rick S. Blum. Developed adaptive technique for designing optimal fusion rules for distributed random signal detection systems.
Lehigh University
EECS Department
Senior Project. Developed a small microcontroller controlled, behavior based robot which was capable of traversing an indoor area and extinguishing burning candles. Responsible for hardware, software, and mechanism design
Lehigh University
Department of Physics
Summer REU Program member. Worked with Dr. James D. Gunton. Wrote computer simulation to model spatiotemporal chaos present in the solutions to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.
Lehigh University
Department of Physics
Quantum Optics lab Work-study. Worked with Dr. John Huennekens. Set up and ran a high temperature Cesium oven and optics to study molecular Cs2 spectroscopically.


M. C. Deans, "Maximally informative statistics for localization and mapping," Proceedings of IEEE ICRA '02, 2002.

M. C. Deans and M. Hebert, "Experimental comparison of techniques for localization and mapping using a bearing-only sensor", to appear in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, December 2000.

M. C. Deans and M. Hebert, "Invariant Filtering for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping," Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2000.

R. Blum, M. C. Deans, "Distributed Random Signal Detection with Multibit Sensor Decisions," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp 516-524 (1998).

M. C. Deans, An Adaptive Algorithm for Distributed Detection System Design, Lehigh University Master's Thesis, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 1996.

M. C. Deans, R. S. Blum, "An Adaptive Algorithm for Distributed Detection System Design," Sensor Fusion and Networked Robotics VII, Proceedings of the SPIE 2589, pp 172-179 (1995).

K. R. Elder, Hao-Wen Xi, M. Deans, J. D. Gunton, "Spatiotemporal Chaos in the Damped Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation,", p. 702 in AIP Conference Proceedings 342, CAM-94 Physics, Cancun, Mexico 1994, Arnulfo Zepeda (Ed.) AIP Press 1995.


RIACS SSRP program, 2001
NASA GSRP Fellowship recipient, 1997-2000
Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Fellowship, 1996
NSF Fellowship Honorable Mention, 1996
Lehigh University Research Assistantship, 1995
Lehigh University Presidential Scholarship Award, 1995
Joseph C. Gabuzda Award in Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1993
Eric J.Horn Award in Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1992
Member of Phi Eta Sigma, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa.

Contact Information:


Matthew Deans
Carnegie Mellon University
Smith Hall #219
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-7075 (office)
(412) 268-5571 (fax)

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